FairPrice, Cold Storage & Giant will rely on honour system for 5¢ plastic bag charge

Don't cheat the system hor.

Joshua Lee | June 20, 2023, 10:44 AM

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Major supermarket chains will start implementing a mandatory plastic bag charge come July 3.

Each plastic bag will cost 5¢.

This is the minimum amount stipulated by Resource Sustainability Act. It is also the amount that most large supermarket chains in Singapore have decided to charge.

Most supermarket chains will be utilising an honour system when charging for plastic bags.

DFI Retail Group, which manages Cold Storage and Giant, told Mothership that these supermarkets will utilise an honour system to charge for plastic bags.

Shoppers who use self-checkout counters have to scan a barcode manually for every plastic bag they take.

It is the same at FairPrice.

FairPrice will not deploy additional staff at self-checkout counters to ensure that customers pay for plastic bags.

The chief sustainability officer at FairPrice Group, Chan Tee Seng told The Straits Times that the supermarket chain's intent is to make the process "seamless, easy, and not too bureaucratic".

FairPrice believes that most of its customers will "do the right thing".

Sheng Siong, on the other hand, will use a plastic bag dispenser at self-checkout counters.

Shoppers will need to tap a button on-screen to indicate if they want a plastic bag.

Top image: Facebook.