Taiwanese host Mickey Huang admits to sexual harassment, commits self-harm, now in hospital

He also accused Barbie and Dee Hsu of taking drugs, which the sisters denied in a public statement.

Zhangxin Zheng | June 20, 2023, 02:42 AM

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Warning text: This article contains descriptions of sexual harassment and self-harm. Reader discretion is advised.

Taiwanese host and comedian Mickey Huang Zijiao was hospitalised after publicly admitting to sexual harassment accusations via videos posted on his Facebook account.

The 51-year-old was accused of kissing a woman forcefully when she was 17 and even manipulated her to take nude photos in the name of art back then.

The incident happened over a decade ago.

In a Facebook post published on May 19 morning, the woman named Zofia shared that she cried uncontrollably and regretted her actions almost immediately.

Even though she was crying, Huang told her she looked beautiful even when she was in tears.

She added that she felt nauseous whenever she thought about it.

On the same day, Huang recorded and posted a series of videos on Facebook in response. The videos have since been deleted.


In a video where Huang did not show his face, he shared that he had been mulling over how to face what had happened thus far.

Huang first apologised to the victim and his supporters for letting them down.

He said the #metoo movement that's ongoing in Taiwan had made him feel uneasy.

He added that his wife, 31-year-old actress Summer Meng, did not know this side of his past, and he has definitely changed for the better after meeting Meng 10 years ago.

Becoming a father last year has motivated him to work even harder, he added.

However, he knew it is too late to undo or cover up what he had done.

"I've done many ridiculous things, but I've done many good deeds too. But they can never offset each other," Huang said.

How he developed perverse mentality

Huang then went on to share how he developed a perverse mentality.

"I'm not trying to defend myself, but I've been thinking about how I've become like that," he added.

Huang shared that his mother had an affair with a taxi driver when he was around 10 years old. He was a clingy kid and so he followed her everywhere.

They once had sex in his presence and that shocked him. He still remembered what happened till today, he added.

His parents later got divorced.

Huang also shared that he found pornography in his father's room when he was young.

As he grew older, he became intimate with some male secondary school classmates which led him to wonder if he was homosexual at one point.

He also peeked under a teacher's skirt before, he added.

Later on, he started watching more pornography and some were extreme. He also tried to emulate what he watched.

Screenshot via TVBS News. Huang also revealed that he is going bald in one of the videos.

Jacky Wu, Barbie and Dee Hsu implicated

Huang rambled on for a bit about whether one can be forgiven for their wrongdoings or they should be subjected to a witchhunt or prejudiced before spilling the beans about other celebrities, including Jacky Wu, as well as Barbie and Dee Hsu.

He asked at one point: "Why can they escape from all of this? Does #metoo only apply to a certain type of trauma? But #metoo to me, the trauma isn't that, but this. How can they continue to be popular and escape from all of this? Why?"

Huang said there were a few women around Wu when he was working with him, such as Angela, Vicky Chen and Wei Wei.

"I'm not sure what's Wu's view on love. I can't tell... but it had a huge negative impact on me," Huang added.

Huang also said he did not agree with how Wu boasted about winning a lawsuit against R.chord Hsieh.

He felt that Hsieh just welcomed a newborn and Wu should have encouraged or helped Hsieh if he's really so powerful.

He also accused Wu of owing other people money.

Besides Wu, Huang also accused Barbie and Dee Hsu of taking drugs.

He claimed that Barbie Hsu and her current husband DJ Koo, who was her then boyfriend, took drugs in a hotel room in the past.

He added that he was "invited", "persuaded" and "forced" to take drugs by Barbie and Dee Hsu and their friends.

Hospitalised after attempt to self-harm

Huang reportedly self-harmed after recording the videos and was later sent to the hospital.

Huang's mentor and manager Chang Hsiao-yen said she was heartbroken.

The Taiwanese media reported that Huang was found with multiple cuts on his body but he is now in a stable condition.

Meng later told media that she is still in the midst of understanding the situation.

"We are one family, so we will face whatever happened together and make up for the mistakes committed in the past," Meng said.

Screenshot via TVBS News.

In response to Huang's allegation, Wu told media that he is quite worried for Huang but added that he may consider taking legal action to protect his interest.

Dee Hsu also issued a statement to deny the allegations made by Huang.

The Hsu sisters added that they reserved the right to take legal action against Huang to protect their interests.

The statement ended with Hsu urging Huang to take care of his health for the sake of his wife and young daughter.

Top image via TVBS News screenshot and @summer1991720/Instagram