4-year-old girl asks Jamus Lim to marry her mother

He said he loves his wife.

Belmont Lay | June 18, 2023, 04:13 PM

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It's Father's Day and everyone has questions for fathers.

So, it is not surprising that people will also have questions for Jamus Lim, the Workers' Party Sengkang GRC MP.

In a Q&A segment with The Singapore Women's Weekly, the 47-year-old gamely answered questions collated from children that, surprisingly, put him in a tight spot.

The segment was touted as Lim having to answer "key questions that's been posed by kids across Singapore".

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Most difficult question to answer

The father to a three-and-a-half-year-old daughter was made to answer a question by a child, who asked if he could marry her mother, who really likes him.

The question, posed by a four-year-old girl, went: "My mummy really likes you. Will you marry her, please?"

Lim replied diplomatically: "Oh Grace, I am very, very flattered. I'm sure that your mummy also really, really loves your daddy. So I will not get in the way of that."

"And I guess I should point out that I really love my wife too."

"So I think we'll just stick to our respective mummies and daddies."

Asked what to do about wanting to fart in lift

But that was not the most bizarre query of the day.

A nine-year-old asked: "What should I do when I need to fart in a crowded lift?"

Clearly unable to stifle a snort, Lim gamely said: "Here's the thing. You will learn as you get older that there are ways you can suck it in."

He then continued to offer his take on tolerance and self-control: "So the trick is, when you really need to do it in a crowded lift, you suck it in."

"Good to be a little polite," he added for why not letting it all out is a good thing.

"And eventually that lift ride will come to an end and you can go out and let it go."

Spoke Mandarin

The segment was not complete with Lim letting the audience have a earful of his Mandarin-speaking skills.

He was asked if he could speak Mandarin.

In response, Lim said he would say the following lines in Mandarin to his daughter: "If you don't finish your dinner, then you would not be allowed to watch cartoons."

The clip also had Lim admit that he has myopia and wears contact lenses in response to a question about why he does not wear glasses and if it's because he is not clever.

Also, when asked if monsters are real, Lim replied: "You have no idea how deep this question truly is."

"I think monsters capture our deepest fears and insecurities."

"And I'm afraid that in this world, there are indeed monsters."

But they can be overcome, he added.

Likewise for pesky questions.

Top images via Instagram/The Singapore Women's Weekly.