Covid-19: Hero's bar & Dover Court International School clusters are linked

The clusters have their origins traced to an imported case from the United States.

Fasiha Nazren| March 31, 2020, 08:43 PM

In a press conference on Mar. 31, the Health Ministry's Director of Medical Services Kenneth Mak made the revelation that contact tracers have established links between two Covid-19 clusters in Singapore.

Links between two clusters

The two clusters are Dover Court International School (DCIS) cluster and Hero's bar cluster.

The DCIS cluster was identified by the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Mar. 25.

The cluster currently has eight cases: 556, 618, 626, 662, 686, 713, 729 and 761.

The cluster at Hero's, a sports bar located at 69 Circular Road, was announced by MOH on Mar. 30.

The cluster currently has five cases: 192, 556, 657, 670 and 813.

The linking case in both clusters is case 556.

It all started from Mar. 10

Here's how they are linked.

On Mar. 10, case 192, a 32-year-old male American national had arrived in Singapore from the U.S.

On the same day, he had gone to Hero's bar.

He then reported onset of symptoms on Mar. 11 and was subsequently confirmed to have Covid-19 infection on the morning of Mar. 13.

He is currently warded at NCID.

A few days later on Mar. 14, cases 556, 657, 670 and 813 had gone to the same bar.

They reported onset of symptoms between Mar. 17 to 23.

Case 556 was confirmed to have Covid-19 on Mar. 24.

Meanwhile, cases 657 and 670 were confirmed to have Covid-19 on Mar. 26 while case 813 was confirmed on Mar. 29.

Case 556 teacher at DCIS

It is also mentioned that Case 556 is a teacher at DCIS.

The seven other cases at DCIS had developed onset of symptoms between Mar. 17 to Mar. 24.

They were subsequently confirmed between Mar. 25 to Mar. 27.

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