About 18 LTA enforcement, auxiliary & police officers confront 1 man with bicycle in Bedok

The man was eventually arrested.

Julia Yee | August 01, 2024, 11:14 AM



A man was caught on camera facing off with more than a dozen Land Transport Authority (LTA), auxiliary and police officers in Bedok.

In response to Mothership's queries, the police said they received a call for assistance at Block 209 New Upper Changi Road on Jul. 30, 2024 at 7:20pm.

A 28-year-old man was at the scene.

More than a dozen officers

In a video posted on Facebook, a man with a bicycle was seen engaged in a dispute with officers.

He was initially seen gesturing animatedly at five officers dressed in high-visibility vests and tops that had the words "LTA Enforcement" and "Auxiliary Police" on them.

Image via Singapore roads accident.com/Facebook

The video showed more officers arriving at the scene subsequently.

It appeared that at least 13 officers had arrived at the scene at one point.

Image via Singapore roads accident.com/Facebook

The dispute also attracted a crowd of onlookers.


After arguing with the officers, the man then wheeled his bicycle away with the officers following him.

Gif via Singapore roads accident.com/Facebook

The video then cut to the final scene where the man was seen being subdued by at least five police officers.

Image via Singapore roads accident.com/Facebook

Rode bike in wrong zone

In response to Mothership's queries, LTA said this incident took place during a joint enforcement operation with East Coast Town Council at the Bedok Town Centre pedestrian-only zone.

During the operation, a man rode his bicycle into the zone.

When LTA enforcement officers asked him to stop and dismount, he became aggressive.

This led to the police being called down and the man's eventual arrest.

The man was charged in court on Aug. 1 for voluntarily causing hurt to deter a public servant from his duty.

Investigations by both the police and LTA are ongoing.

Top images via Singapore roads accident.com/Facebook