Motorcycle & taxi collide along Clementi Road, motorcyclist, 20, sent to hospital

The taxi driver, a 58-year-old male, is assisting with police investigations.

Winnie Li


August 02, 2024, 03:00 AM



A 20-year-old male motorcyclist was involved in an accident between a motorbike and a taxi along Clementi Road on Aug. 1 evening.

Passersby helped direct traffic

Photos of the aftermath of the accident were shared to the SGRoad Blocks/Traffic News Telegram group.

A man, believed to be the motorcyclist, could be seen lying on his back on the second left-most lane.

A motorcycle was lying on its side close to the taxi's rear.

At least seven people were at the scene, with four of them gathered around the motorcyclist and two of them directing traffic.

Photo via SGRoad Blocks/Traffic News/Telegram

In another photo, a man in a grey shirt, could be seen on the phone.

Taxi driver assisting police investigations

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) confirmed with Mothership that they were alerted to the accident on Aug. 1 at about 5pm.

The motorcyclist was conveyed conscious to the National University Hospital (NUH).

The taxi driver, a 58-year-old male, is assisting with police investigations.

Police investigations are ongoing.

Top images via SGRoad Blocks/Traffic News/Telegram

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