M'sia man calls wife 'idiot', 'damaged' for having emergency C-section, says he'd better marry someone else

"I don't want a damaged wife," he said. "It's better if I marry someone else."

Keyla Supharta | August 29, 2024, 05:31 PM



A Malaysian woman recently shared how her husband started treating her harshly after giving birth through an emergency C-section instead of a natural birth.

In a series of screenshots posted on TikTok, the man could be seen calling her an "idiot" and "damaged".

"I don't want a damaged wife"

In the caption, the woman shared how she immediately reached out for her phone to contact her husband after coming out of the operation room, while still under the effects of anaesthesia.

However, she opened the chat message with her husband only to be humiliated and cursed for undergoing an emergency C-section.

In the screenshots shared, the husband could be seen saying:

"I don't want a damaged wife. Why would you want to go through surgery at this age?

It's better if I marry someone else. Someone [with] nice [body] and healthy. Crazy idiot".

Screenshot via @flowertersakiti/TikTok

In another text, he added:

"Not purposely? You choose (the operation) yourself, right?  I don't want to live with you anymore."

"You have always wanted to operate right?"

In her texts, the woman explained that the doctor decided she had to go for an emergency C-section as the baby's heartbeat was weak.

She later shared in the caption that she went inside the operation room alone without her husband by her side.

"How many times have I told you not to operate?" Her husband wrote.

"It's not my decision (to go through a C-section), but I had to," she tried explaining to her husband.

"[But] you agree. You just follow through," the man said. "Since the beginning, you have always wanted to operate right?" he accused.

Screenshot via @flowertersakiti/TikTok

"This has passed, but it still hurts"

Subsequently, the woman constantly reached out to her husband in a calm manner, yet he did not reply to her texts.

"This has passed, but it still hurts," the woman wrote.

Not only that, her husband accused the woman and her family of denying his rights to the child.

"He said my family and I did not give him the right to care (for the child), while (he) wasn't even around for me," she wrote.

"What's so wrong about C-section?"

Many commenters were outraged at the man's behaviour.

"My heart hurts reading this. What's so wrong about C-section?" one commenter wrote.

"A man like this exists?" another wrote.

Many also praised the woman for being patient and gentle while communicating with her husband.

The video also prompted many women to share their experiences with C-section.

"You cannot reject an emergency C-section for the safety of the child," one commenter reminded. "Unless everything is fine and there are no issues, only then can a mother give birth naturally."

"I'm so proud of you for delivering the baby," another wrote to encourage the mother.

Top image via Büşranur Aydın/Pexels and @flowertersakiti/TikTok