Car in Woodlands ends up in canal, driver, 68, gets sent to hospital

A witness said the car almost rammed into migrant workers who were resting on a grass patch near the canal.

Winnie Li | August 08, 2024, 06:39 PM



A group of migrant workers were chatting and relaxing on a grass patch near the junction of Woodlands Avenue 10 and Admiralty Road West on Aug. 7 night when a silver car suddenly emerged and skidded into a canal behind them.

"The car almost knocked into them, but, fortunately, no one was injured," Shin Min Daily News reported a migrant worker, who was resting nearby, as saying.

According to Shin Min, the grass patch is less than 1m away from the scene of the accident.

Screenshot via Google Maps

Aftermath of accident

The aftermath of the accident was caught on camera by an onlooker, who subsequently uploaded the photos to Telegram group SGRoad Blocks/Traffic News.

In one of the photos, at least two officers could be seen trying to lift the car from the canal.

A large group of individuals, as well as an ambulance, were also present at the scene.

Image via SGRoad Blocks/Traffic News/Telegram

Accident took place near migrant worker dormitory

When Shin Min reporters arrived at the scene of the accident on Aug. 8 morning, they noticed that the accident took place opposite a migrant worker dormitory.

A number of beer cans, believed to have been left by migrant workers, could be found on the grass patch.

A migrant worker told the Chinese daily that around 100 migrant workers were resting on the grass patch after work when the accident occurred.

"Usually, a lot of migrant workers would gather here at night. I cannot imagine what would have happened if the car hit them," shared another migrant worker.

Electricity box damaged

Before the car skidded into the canal, it was believed to have rammed into an electricity box on the grass patch as well, causing it to be damaged, reported Shin Min.

Three officers from PUB, Singapore's national water agency, were spotted fixing the electricity box at around 10am on Aug. 8.

The collision also caused several parts to fall off the car, scattering across the grass patch and into the canal.

Screenshot via Shin Min Daily News

Statement from police, SCDF

The Singapore Police Force and the Singapore Civil Defence Force confirmed with Mothership that they were alerted to the accident at around 9pm on Aug. 7.

The car was believed to have "self-skidded", and its driver, a 68-year-old male, was conveyed conscious to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital.

Police investigations are ongoing.

Top images via SGRoad Blocks/Traffic News/Telegram