Boy on kick scooter drags dog around on leash at Mountbatten cafe while woman watches

Please be kind to your pets.

Ilyda Chua | June 19, 2024, 02:33 PM



A boy was seen dragging around a small white dog while on a kick scooter, as a woman with him allegedly watched and laughed.

The incident took place on Jun. 8 at a cafe in Mountbatten, according to Stomp.

Marie, who recorded the incident, said that the woman with the boy was "taking a video and laughing at the same time, thinking this was a very funny and cute scene".

It went on for about five to eight minutes, according to Marie.

Gif from Stomp

In a video shared on Stomp, the child was seen dragging around the unwilling puppy, who was leashed to the scooter.

After a few moments, the woman walked up and patted the dog.

However, the dog continued to resist.

Gif from Stomp

The boy also allegedly lifted the dog's head up with the leash, leaving it hanging in the air, according to Marie.

She said:

"My friends and I were stunned to see the mother allowing her son to scoot around and pull the poor, unwilling puppy around the field."

"All these moments were unbearable and I blamed myself for not being brave enough to stand up for the puppy as the place was full of children and I did not wish to create unnecessary hooha if I were to confront the mother."

Marie also shared that her own seven-year-old son had been badly affected by the incident and asked his parents why they were doing that to the dog.

In the video's background audio, a young boy — presumably Marie's son — can be heard decrying the other child's treatment of the dog.

"They're so rude!" he exclaimed.

Sounding distressed and like he was about to cry, the boy continued, "It's tired, and then [the woman] still beat the dog."

Top image from Stomp