Sheng Siong ATMs can cash out S$100 NS55 credits again

The machines could not process the encashing of NS55 credits on July 7 afternoon, but worked again at night.

Belmont Lay| July 08, 2022, 03:26 AM

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Good news: It appears that the Sheng Siong ATMs can be used to dispense cash from encashing the S$100 NS55 credits after it was observed that they stopped working by July 7 afternoon.


One machine located at a Sheng Siong outlet in the northeast of Singapore allowed the encashing transaction to be processed at about 10pm on July 7.

Here is the proof:

Encashing option failed earlier in the day

There was no delay or lag time experienced, as the PayNow option was fully operational, unlike what was observed at two separate Sheng Siong outlets earlier in the afternoon at 1pm.

A message saying that the machine was undergoing scheduled maintenance popped up each time the PayNow icon on the screen was pressed for each machine.


It was observed on July 7 that the Sheng Siong Simple Teller Machine ($TM) -- the supermarket chain's very own ATM -- was able to cash out S$90 out of S$100 of the NS55 Recognition Package credits, while incurring a S$0.20 convenience service fee.

The encashing of NS55 credits was first publicised on TikTok by a user of the platform who discovered the lifehack/ loophole, but it appears the video has been taken down.

As the $TM charges a S$0.20 service fee for each PayNow transaction, and can only dispense S$10 and S$50 notes, S$9.80 will have to be kept as credits in the LifeSG app to be used at other merchants, while S$90 can be dispensed.

Those who have received the S$100 credits in their LifeSG app will be able to scan the QR code on the $TM to dispense the money in cash.

It appeared that for a period of time on July 7, some did manage to encash the N55 credits successfully based on receipts left behind, before the $TM at two outlets stopped functioning.

Why disburse credits and not cash?

The disbursement of the NS55 Recognition Package in credits and not cash deposited into bank accounts allows transactions to be made with Singapore-registered businesses via the LifeSG app.

Cash disbursed might end up being spent outside of Singapore, such as to be used to pump petrol in Johor Bahru.


The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) previously said NSmen will be eligible for the package based on their national service status as of May 2022.

The digital credits worth S$100 are progressively disbursed in batches to eligible NSmen from July 1 till 31.

Eligible NSmen will receive an SMS to inform them when their credits are in.

Full-time NSFs who enlist by Dec. 31, 2022, will also qualify for the benefits after enlistment.

The credits will be valid for a year.

Hardcopy vouchers can be provided to those who have “exhausted all means of assistance”, but are still unable to access or redeem their credits via the LifeSG mobile app, said MINDEF.

These NSmen can contact the NS55 Call Centre (1800-723-6755 or to request hardcopy vouchers.

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