Burger King S'pore selling chocolate apple pie for S$1.60 now

I have chocolate, I have an apple pie.

Karen Lui| May 27, 2021, 11:12 AM

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Following the release of the controversial Chocolate Whopper and chocolate dip for nuggets earlier on Apr. 1, Burger King is not done with its chocolate experiments.

Burger King has recently launched a chocolate apple pie.

Chocolate apple pie

The chocolate apple pie has been made available at Burger King since Apr. 25.

It is selling for S$1.60.Coincidentally, chocolate pies and apple pies are arguably the most popular pies at rival fast food chain McDonald's.

When McDonald's first released its chocolate pie back in 2018, it was sold out within eight days.

While the apple pie remains a permanent item on McDonald's menu, the chocolate pie remains a seasonal item that is unavailable at the moment.

You can check out the chocolate apple pie from Burger King and see if it can satisfy those withdrawal symptoms in the meantime.

Top image by Burger King.