Petition calling for limited social gatherings in S'pore from June 2 gets 8,000 signatures

Likely to be championed by those who haven't already secretly broken the rules.

Nigel Chua| May 28, 2020, 09:48 PM

Singapore's circuit breaker (CB) will end on June 2 in three phases, but social gatherings are still off-limits, at least till the second phase.

In response to this news, a petition, "Allow limited social interactions from June 2nd onwards", was launched on

The petition is calling on the government to allow meetings in small groups "with measures in place".

It was started a week ago, and is gaining traction online.

It broke its initial target of 5,000 signatures on May 28.

At the time of writing, it has over 8,000 signatures.

Reasons for the petition

The creator of the petition, a user named "Jayden Pang", pointed to the importance of "mental well-being" as well as "long term relationship purposes" for calling for social gatherings to restart.

The user also wrote that people in Singapore "have demonstrated that we can mostly be responsible" and asked for "some degree of freedom again".

Mental health

A commonly-cited reason for signing the petition was that social gatherings were needed for mental and emotional health:

One of the only known instances of a meeting between a couple residing in different homes ended with a woman being arrested.

"Please allow people to meet their SOs"

Many of those who signed the petition were supportive, leaving hearts on a message asking for people to be allowed to meet their significant other, and another message stating that "interactions between two people" was "reasonable":

Friends are family

Others said that friends are their only family:

Potential of increased risks

In what appears to be a sarcastic comment, another user pointed out the potential for increased risks, and highlighted the fact that the petition could well backfire even if it succeeded:

Petition signers outlined proposals

Some users outlined proposals on how social activities could possibly resume in a controlled manner, such as limiting gatherings to small groups:

Criticism of prioritising economy over social activity

Other users criticised the prioritisation of opening the economy over resuming social activity in Phase One of the post-CB period, with some contrasting the interactions required for economic activities that are allowed from June 2 with social interactions:

Gatherings in Singapore currently disallowed

Gatherings had previously been subject to a limit of 10 people, from Mar. 24.

Later, gatherings were entirely banned, as part of the circuit breaker measures that last till June 1, after an extension from the previous end date of May 4.

Gatherings still mostly disallowed after circuit breaker

The circuit breaker will end on June 1, with more businesses allowed to resume operations in Phase One, which is the first of three phases of reopening.

Social gatherings are still off-limits in Phase One, however.

An exception to the rule is that limited visits to parents and grandparents will be allowed.

Gatherings will be allowed in Phase Two

It had previously been stated that social activities in small groups will be allowed to take place in Phase Two of the reopening.

On May 28, it was announced that the move from Phase One to Phase Two will be decided by mid-June, provided that community transmissions and infection rates over the first two weeks of June remain low and stable.

Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong also said that Phase Two of the re-opening could possibly happen before the end of June.

Other petitions this year

Various petitions relating to the government's management of Covid-19 in Singapore have been started this year, with varying levels of success:

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Top image via mad dyke on Medium and