Caretakers of 3-year-old Pasir Ris community cat Nyny appealing for witnesses over death

Nyny, a three-year-old domestic shorthair, was one of many kittens who were abandoned and left to fend for himself.

Ruth Chai | August 25, 2024, 01:22 PM



Caretakers of a beloved Pasir Ris community cat are appealing for witnesses over his death.

The cat's body was unrecognisable when they found him, and far away from his home turf.

Photo via Gwen

Was abandoned and left to fend for himself

Speaking to Mothership, caretakers Gwen and J, who run a community cat Instagram page @ourdearmoggies, last saw Nyny on Aug. 7 at Pasir Ris Street West-central.

Nyny, a three-year-old domestic shorthair, was one of many kittens who were abandoned and left to fend for himself, said Gwen.

Photo via Gwen

"He came from a household who bred their first male cat with many other female cats; father cat whom was abandoned with many of his kittens all whilst they retained the mother cats, possibly due to their long coat."

Gwen discovered Nyny around the estate after most of his siblings were rehomed.

Feral at first, he warmed up to human interactions over time after some efforts at rehabilitating and socialising him.

Photo via Gwen

He showed his true, affectionate and hyperactive side to only his closest confidants, often spotted mischievously climbing trees and hunting rats.

Gwen also brought Nyny to the vet for sterilisation and micro-chipping.

He was released back into the community as the couple were not able to find a willing fosterer.

Photo via Gwen

He continued to be a "well-loved community cat who [was] doted on by many of the residents", Gwen said.

His disappearance

Cat-loving residents searched for him every day when they noticed that he had vanished on the evening of Aug. 7.

Missing notices were put up physically and digitally on Aug. 10.

Less than a week later, Gwen received a tip-off from a stranger who claimed to see a cat's body which resembled Nyny's.

Even more dishearteningly, he said he first saw the body on Aug. 9. He contacted Gwen on Aug. 16 as he noticed her posters on that day.

Rushing over to identify his blackened, battered and element-exposed body, Gwen and J's hearts both dropped when a microchip scan revealed that it was indeed Nyny.

"I hoped very hard that it was the carcass of a different cat," said Gwen.

Death shrouded in mystery

Confronted with the sudden loss Nyny, Gwen and J were puzzled over the circumstances of his death.

"Why was Nyny in a bush, along the roadside, blocks away from his usual turf?"

Due to decomposition, the couple also could not tell how he died, whether or not he suffered serious injury and died from blunt-force trauma.

"We suspect that his body could have suffered from a sudden and hard blow, because being a vocal and well-socialised cat, he is not one who won’t seek help when he needs to," Gwen shared.

Above all, the couple wanted to know if he lived his final moments in pain.

"Nyny loved his people and his community, but we have failed, his ex-owners have failed him so badly."

Final goodbyes

Taking care of Nyny and other community cats was not without hiccups.

A few residents would be willing to feed the cats, but would refuse to pay for the cat's food from their own pockets.

"That is sad, but it is okay because there are a few more of us who are more than willing to feed him personally out of our pockets," Gwen shared.

She also faced difficulties from the chair person from the resident committee, who removed cat bowls and beds in the area as they were considered fire hazards.

Removing their resting places may cause the cats to venture elsewhere in search of places to sleep at, sometimes disappearing for days on end.

Caretakers would then have a difficult time tracking them and ensuring their safety.

The couple are now appealing for witnesses over Nyny's death, and implore anyone who has information to contact their Instagram.

"We implore all residents, to seek help for an animal or at least post it on Facebook so it can get the medical attention that it needs instead of leaving a cat to fade off in pain. If you are at the scene, you are the animals’ immediate source of help and greatest hope."

"This can be a matter of life and death, and we've all lost Nyny permanently now," Gwen added.

The couple also hopes that the public would extend their compassion towards stray animals.

"They rely on the kindness and compassion of residents to survive and live well," she said.

Photo via Gwen

Photo via Gwen

All photos via Gwen