Here's our 2024 National Day Rally bingo

To keep all of us entertained.

Daniel Seow | August 18, 2024, 05:33 PM



Prime Minister Lawrence Wong will deliver his first-ever National Day Rally address on Aug. 18, 2024, at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Central in Ang Mo Kio.

He will give the speech in three languages: Malay, Mandarin, and English.

As to what he might speak about, PM Wong himself gave a teaser on Facebook — he'll be focusing on "issues Singaporeans care about", namely the economy and jobs, families, housing, and education.

As per previous rallies, PM Wong will give the Malay speech first at 6:45pm on Aug. 18, followed by the Mandarin one, and finally the English one at 8pm.

Unfortunately, for fans of the magic cup popularised by Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Wong shared in an Aug. 12 Facebook video that it won't be making an appearance.

Instead, he'll be working hard on his languages, he said.

But we're still holding out hope — maybe he'll have a "magic bottle" or some other language-changing aid instead?

While we watch out for that, here's a National Day Rally bingo you can entertain yourself with during the speeches.

How to win

It's a 5x5 grid with standard bingo rules — tick off all five squares in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) to win bingo.

And as for the prize, let's just say you get to take a sip from your own "magic cup".

Image by Mothership.

You get one step closer to your bingo if:

1. PM Wong says "Forward Singapore".

2. PM Wong turns up in a light blue dress shirt (like so):

Image from Lawrence Wong / Facebook.

3. PM Wong mentions the "magic cup".

4. PM Wong smiles directly at the camera.

5. PM Wong says the words "social compact".

6. PM Wong speaks your mother tongue better than you. Yes, he's been practising.

7. PM Wong mentions "Max Maeder".

8. PM Wong thanks SM Lee in any way, shape or form.

9. PM Wong says "future economy".

10. PM Wong mentions "Tanjong Katong Secondary School". His alma mater.

11. PM Wong talks about how it rained during NDP 2024.

12. PM Wong looks at or speaks about DPM Gan Kim Yong warmly. 'Cos bromance.

13. PM Wong says "My fellow Singaporeans".

14. PM Wong says "HDB".

15. PM Wong shows a selfie or wefie he took.

Image from Lawrence Wong / Facebook.

15. PM Wong mentions "New Balance shoes".

16. PM Wong talks about his childhood growing up in Marine Parade.

27. PM Wong mentions guitars.

18. PM Wong says "pandemic".

19. PM Wong waves at the audience.

20. The audience stands up to clap for PM Wong.

21. A member of the audience is caught napping during PM Wong's speech.

22. PM Wong says "cost of living".

23. PM Wong uses any quotes from Taylor Swift songs. Swifties, you be the judge.

24. The livestream audience compliments PM Wong's wife in the comments.

25. Finally, if PM Wong says "Majulah Singapura!"

The speech will be broadcast on local TV channels and radio stations, in addition to being livestreamed on multiple online channels:

Top image from Lawrence Wong / Facebook & by Mothership