Hands & feet of M'sian beautician, 37, amputated due to bacterial infection, receiving treatment in S'pore

She thought she had food poisoning when she first began to feel unwell in October 2023.

Winnie Li | June 06, 2024, 03:25 PM



Warning: This article contains images of a severe medical condition. Reader discretion is advised.

A 37-year-old beautician from Ipoh, Malaysia, lost her hands and feet after she suffered a bacterial infection and had to undergo an amputation.

Lin (transliteration) had also spent all her savings on her treatments, which amounted to around S$300,000, reported Shin Min Daily News.

Started to feel unwell in October 2023

Lin, who came to Singapore for work in 2016, shared that she first began to feel unwell in October 2023, when she suffered from a fever, stomachache, and weakness throughout her body.

Thinking she must have food poisoning, Lin subsequently visited a doctor and was given medication.

However, after Lin's condition showed no signs of improvement, she visited the doctor again two days later.

"During my second visit, the doctor noticed that something was not right and advised me to visit the emergency department. After that, I just lost consciousness," recounted Lin.

Suffered from bacterial infection

When Lin woke up again, she was surrounded by medical equipment, and her family had arrived at the hospital to accompany her.

It was only later on that Lin found out she was diagnosed as critically ill, and her doctor had asked the family to prepare for the worst.

Lin's doctor also said Lin had suffered from a bacterial infection, and even though she was conscious, her health was still in poor condition.

"My heartbeat was weak, and there was not enough oxygen supplied to my brain. If this situation persisted, I would have become brain-dead. So my doctor advised me to receive an injection so that blood could flow to my heart and ensure my brain could continue functioning," shared Lin.

Lin's doctor also informed her that by doing so, Lin might need to sacrifice some parts of her body.

Underwent amputation after limbs turned gangrenous

At first, Lin's family thought she would, at most, lose her finger that had become gangrenous, but they soon found out all her limbs had begun to turn black.

Image via Shin Min Daily News

"I watched helplessly as my hands and feet turned black and became heavier until the process spiralled out of control," recounted Lin.

It was then that Lin's doctor told her that her cells had died, her bacterial infection had caused sepsis, and she would need to undergo amputations to save her life.

"In the end, I made the decision to amputate my hands in November 2023 and my legs in December 2023," shared Lin, who could not hold back her tears during the interview.

It was not disclosed in the Chinese report what led to her falling ill, the location she was at when that occurred, and if she was admitted to a hospital in Singapore that carried out the amputation.

Discharged from hospital in January 2024

While Lin was hospitalised, she said her doctor found a hole in her large intestine, so they attached a stoma bag to her abdomen to help with defecation.

She was discharged from the hospital in January 2024 and had recently received her prosthetic leg.

Image via Shin Min Daily News

According to Lin, her prosthetic leg cost S$15,000, and she is currently paying the cost in instalments.

She has yet to purchase prosthetics for her hands, which would cost her at least S$14,000.

"I have to get used to these changes gradually," added Lin.

'Stay strong and live on for my family'

As Lin had spent all of her savings on her treatment and lost her job, she currently has no income and has to rely on her elder sister.

She currently lives in Singapore in a three-room public housing flat with her sister, brother-in-law, and her 63-year-old mother.

Speaking to Shin Min, Lin's mother said despite the hardships Lin had to go through, she "had never become hysterical or lost her temper".

Lin also shared that it was very difficult to accept these changes to her body at first, and she did not want to meet her friends.

"However, it was my family's support that allowed me to push through. I have to stay strong and live on for them," added Lin.

Ex-employer paid part of Lin's medical fees

Lin also expressed her gratitude to the beauty salon she used to work at for helping her pay part of her medical expenses.

"I only purchased insurance in Malaysia, and I was in urgent need of money. My employer helped me pay for my medical expenses so that I could focus on recovering. Although I no longer work there, I am still extremely grateful," she added.

Currently, Lin said she was granted a short-term visit pass for medical reasons after her doctor wrote to the authorities about her condition.

While she would need to re-apply her pass every month, Lin hoped she could continue receiving treatment in Singapore.

"I also hope I can find a job within my ability in Singapore [after I recover], and I am willing to share with those who have the same experience as me on how to face the changes in life so that I can help them," said Lin.

'Rare' for bacterial infection patients to undergo amputation: experts

An infectious disease specialist at Farrer Park Hospital told Shin Min that, in general, bacterial infections rarely lead to amputation, especially in cases where amputation of all four limbs is necessary.

The doctor said it was an extreme case.

"If an amputation is needed, it is often because the patient already has an underlying disease or seeks medical treatment too late," added the specialist.

Likewise, the president of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, Paul Tambyah, also said that Lin's case was rare.

However, in such cases, if the patients refuse to undergo amputations, they risk losing their lives, added Tambyah.

Donations pour in for Lin

Since Lin's interview with Shin Min was published on Jun. 4, many have reached out to her and the Chinese daily to express their intentions to donate to Lin.

Currently, Lin is accepting donations temporarily through her bank account while her family is setting up a fundraiser webpage for her, reported Shin Min.

So far, Lin said she had already received donations ranging between S$50 and S$1,000 from more than 10 individuals from Singapore and Malaysia.

Lions Prostheses Centre (LPC), a social service agency that helps amputees fund their procurement of prosthetic limbs, also told Shin Min it would visit Lin on Jun. 6 afternoon.

"If the doctor assessed her to be suitable for installing prosthetic limbs, we will provide them for her. As for the cost, it would depend on the doctor's assessment. It could be free, or Lin could be paying a small sum," said the vice president of LPC.

Lin determined to overcome obstacles ahead

While Lin does not know how exactly she will navigate the future ahead, she said she is determined to overcome obstacles one at a time.

"I would be very grateful if someone could offer me an employment opportunity," added Lin.

Top images via Shin Min Daily News