Springleaf Prata Place has introduced an all-day prata buffet at S$9.90 per pax.
The buffet is only available at Margaret Drive Rainbow Centre and Pasir Panjang outlets.
It will be available from now till Jun. 30, 2024.
Here's what's available on the menu:
Image via @springleafprataplace on Instagram.
You can choose a maximum of two pratas per round and sharing is not allowed.
The buffet duration is 90 minutes.
You can have unlimited rounds of prata until the time is up.
However, food wastage will be charged at S$5 per 100 grams.
Icon @ Pasir Panjang: 218 Pasir Panjang Road, #01-03, Singapore 118579
Opening hours: 8am to 10pm, daily
Seeds Cafe (Rainbow Centre): 501 Margaret Drive Singapore 149306
Opening hours: 4pm to 11pm, Mondays to Fridays
Top images via @springleafprataplace on Instagram.
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