Gutzy Asia website, Facebook & X made Declared Online Locations due to multiple online falsehoods

The declaration will come into effect on Jun. 12, 2024.

Winnie Li| June 11, 2024, 10:44 PM

Gutzy Asia's website and social media pages on Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter) have been declared as Declared Online Locations (DOLs) under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019 (POFMA).

The declaration, which will come into effect on Jun. 12, 2024, was issued by the Minister for Communications and Information Josephine Teo on Jun. 11, said the Ministry of Communication and Information (MCI) in a press release.

According to MCI, each of Gutzy's online locations above has "communicated at least three different false statements of fact in Singapore, which are the subject of three active POFMA correction directions".

These false statements pertain to the nationality of the woman found hanging naked outside a Yishun HDB block, assistance rendered to a couple who live in the West Coast, and Singapore Land Authority's management of state properties in relation to rentals of black-and-white bungalows along Ridout Road.

Declaration in effect till Jun. 2026

MCI said the declaration will be in effect for two years, or until Jun. 11, 2026.

During this period, Gutzy's website, Facebook page, and X account page are each required to carry a notice stating that each of these online locations has been declared as a DOL.

With the notice, visitors to these DOLs will also be warned that Gutzy "has a history of communicating falsehoods on these online locations".

"Members of the public are advised to be alert to Gutzy's history of communicating misinformation on these online locations and to fact-check information published at these DOLs," added MCI.

De-monetisation of DOLs

While Gutzy's website, Facebook page, and X account page may remain in operation, it must comply with the statutory requirements under POFMA relating to, amongst others, the de-monetisation of the DOLs, said MCI.

"POFMA prohibits a person from deriving financial benefit from operating a DOL, thereby preventing operators of DOLs from profiting from the communication of falsehoods," added the ministry.

As such, during the time the declaration remains in effect, it will be an offence for the operator of the DOLs to dervie financial or other material benefit from operating the online location.

Service providers and digital advertising intermediaries "must take reasonable steps" to ensure that paid content that they include or cause to be included on the DOLs is not communicated in Singapore.

Finally, individuals and companies must not provide financial support to the DOLs if they know or have reason to believe that by doing so, they will support, help, or promote the communication of falsehoods in Singapore on the DOLs, said MCI.

Other DOLs

MCI also stated that there are nine other online locations that are declared DOLs with effect from Jul. 22, 2023, up to Dec. 11, 2025.

Five of them belong to Reform Party Secretary-General Kenneth Jeyaretnam, which include his Facebook, Instagram, X account, and LinkedIn pages, as well as his website, The Ricebowl Singapore.

The other four belong to The Online Citizen Aisa (TOCA), which include TOCA's website, Facebook, X account, and LinkedIn pages.

Top images via Gutzy Asia's website