Dogs, birds, terrapin & other pets blessed at Jalan Besar temple on Vesak Day eve


Julia Yee | May 23, 2024, 06:58 PM



Many animals were seen streaming into Thekchen Choling, a temple at 2 Beatty Lane in Jalan Besar, on the evening of May 21.

The temple was holding its annual animal blessing night on the eve of Vesak Day.

"Blessings of love and light"

The event, which was held from 7:30pm to 10:30pm, allowed pets to receive "blessings of love and light" by the Venerables at the temple.

Pets were also able to join their humans in making merits, giving well wishes, and praying.

For pets who had passed on, their families were able to bring along a photo or urn of the late animal and ask for a short prayer.


In a Facebook post by the temple on May 22, dogs, birds, and even one terrapin was spotted getting blessed.

Here are some pictures of the animals getting blessed — you might want to save them for a bad day.

Image via Thekchen Choling Singapore/Facebook

Image via Thekchen Choling Singapore/Facebook

Image via Thekchen Choling Singapore/Facebook

Image via Thekchen Choling Singapore/Facebook

Image via Thekchen Choling Singapore/Facebook

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