Window opens & slams shut at Raintr33 Hotel beside Old Changi Hospital during walking tour

Was it the wind?

Belmont Lay| July 22, 2023, 03:48 AM

Another strange encounter has occurred during the Supernatural Confessions' walking tour in the vicinity of Changi Village -- and it was witnessed by a group of more than a dozen people.

Previously, on March 18, cloth were seen moving in the Old Changi Hospital, even though there was no breeze at that time.

This time round, a group of 14 night hikers on the tour captured footage on multiple devices of a third floor window of a disused building opening and slamming shut.

The exact location?

The now defunct Raintr33 Hotel located beside Old Changi Hospital.

It occurred during the "Walk with Hantu by Supernatural Confessions", a paid guided tour open to the public and led by the guides, Eugene Tay and Jonathan Lim, and held periodically in the Changi Village area.

What happened

In this latest incident, the guests on the tour were brought to the old Raintr33 hotel for photo-taking opportunities.

And there was already a feeling that something strange might occur.

According to Tay, he could feel that "there was something unnerving about the third floor window and told the participants to watch out for it", according to his field notes for that night that he has shared with Mothership.

"Having immersed myself in the paranormal over the years has made me more sensitive to negative energy, and tonight I felt the pull of a presence in the area," the field notes continued.

According to Tay, as the group was posing in front of the hotel to take a group picture, the window creaked open by itself.

"You can see the two group photos. The one with us looking back will show the window is slightly open," Tay said.

"We stood there to observe, and just as we said, 'I think something is watching us and wants our attention', the window opened fully and slammed shut.

The group was seen in photos turning around to catch a glimpse of what was going on.

What video showed

A longer video showed what the participants saw: The window on the third floor of the building open and then it slowly closed with a thud.

About 27 seconds later, it opened fully by itself again, before slamming shut.

A shorter video shot from another device showed the same scene but at a different angle.

Participants asked if it was the wind

The 14 people on the ground then asked one another if it could be the wind, the field notes read, and added: "There was a slight breeze, but it was coming from the opposite direction of the window slamming."

"We all had our cameras out," the notes, written by Tay, continued.

Tay also explained what happened just before the window opened and closed on its own for the second time.

He wrote: "I said out loud that if there were entities around, to show us a sign of their presence. Then the window opened on its own again, not following any particular wind patterns or direction."

Scrutinised photos

Subsequently, one of the participants thought he caught a face in a photograph.

They proceeded to zoom in and expand the photo for a close-up look, and found what appeared to be a face.

As credulous as Tay was, he was still a sceptic.

Tay wrote in his notes: "Though I would say it’s hard to confirm that this was indeed an apparition at this point."

"However, if you take into account the strong presence I had felt in that room, this could be something more, but as far as photo evidence goes, this is a stretch of the imagination."

Experience it for yourself

You can check up Supernatural Confession's website if you wish to experience the supernatural walk for yourself.

All photos via Supernatural Confessions