Indranee Rajah to address Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin’s unparliamentary comment in Parliament

Sufficient gravity.

Belmont Lay| July 14, 2023, 08:39 AM

Leader of the House Indranee Rajah will be addressing in Parliament in August the unparliamentary comment by Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin that was caught on a hot mic.

Indranee said in response to questions from The Straits Times and Today that she will address the incident.

She told ST: "As this matter concerns parliamentary conduct, I will address it at the next parliamentary sitting."

This was after Tan was heard muttering “f***ing populist” into the microphone on the first day of debate on the President’s Address on April 17.

Workers’ Party MP Jamus Lim had just given a speech for some 20 minutes on doing more to help the less well-off in Singapore.

A video of Tan's response started circulating in mid-July.

Prior to Indranee's statement, Tan had issued an apology on social media on July 11.

He wrote: "When I listen to speeches made, like everyone, I do form views on them. What was said were my private thoughts which I had muttered to myself and not to anyone."

"However I should not have expressed them aloud or in unparliamentary language, and I apologise for that."

"I have also spoken to the Member, A/P Jamus Lim, to make that apology as well; which he has kindly accepted."

Singapore Management University’s associate professor of law Eugene Tan told ST that Indranee’s move to address the matter shows there is “sufficient gravity”, but unlikely to lead to "a major censure", such as being referred to the Committee of Privileges.

The committee looks into any matter affecting the powers and privileges of Parliament.

Unnamed experts that Today spoke to said the matter could be considered close as Lim has accepted Tan's apology.

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