Tampines coffee shop removes damaged giant ceiling fan & signboard, stalls operate as normal

Business as usual.

Syahindah Ishak| Belmont Lay| October 29, 2020, 06:23 PM

A giant ceiling fan at a Tampines coffee shop collapsed at about 7pm on Oct. 28 and at least two diners were hurt.

The incident occurred after a ladder that was used by workers to fix the fan slipped and clipped the giant fan blades, causing the ceiling fan to collapse, according to one eyewitness at the scene.

As the fan was damaged, it spun out of control and smashed the signboard of one of the food stalls.

According to stallowners who also saw what happened, one person was hurt on the head and the other person injured the hand.

The injuries appeared to have been caused by fragments from the damaged stall signboard, which was sent flying.

Damaged fan removed completely

By Oct. 29, the coffee shop had removed the giant fan.

The damaged signboard was also removed.

Business resumed as usual when Mothership visited in the morning after the incident.

Stallowners could not say for certain what had happened as they were busy serving the dinner crowd at that time.

Eyewitness account

According to a diner who provided a first-person account of what she witnessed, she said there were two workers fixing the fan during evening peak dinner period in the coffee shop.

However, after the workers were done, the fan was turned on but the ladder used to carry out the work to fix the fan was left upright.

At some point, after the ladder was closed, it tipped over and clipped the giant ceiling fan, causing it to be damaged.

As the ceiling fan spun out of control, the workers attempted to turn it off.

The ceiling fan that was damaged then struck the signboard of one of the stalls.

Patrons seated in the coffee shop dashed out.

Two people were conveyed to the hospital.

The police arrived shortly after just before 8pm.

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Photos by Syahindah Ishak