Gen, a corgi from Japan, can chase away some of your Covid-19 blues

Irresistibly cute fellow.

Zhangxin Zheng| March 31, 2020, 03:47 AM

Many of our news feeds have been inundated with information about the Covid-19 pandemic since the start of 2020.

During this trying period, some lighthearted content will help us cope with the feelings of gloom and doom.

Such as this photo album of one goofball corgi from Japan named Gen:The album of this four-year-old corgi was put up on March 27 has since been shared 140,000 times on Facebook.

If you are curious about Gen after seeing his photos, Mothership has reached out to Gen's pawrent recently to find out more about this lovable corgi who happens to be way more amazing than how he looks on photos.

Gen loves humans

According to Gen's pawrent, Gen loves humans.

He enjoys playing toys and hanging out with people.

Gen always sleeps in the same bed as his owners and goes out with them.

Gen's pawrent will take photos of him whenever he's out for a walk, playing or eating treats.

When asked about his comical expressions, Gen's pawrent said, "When all dogs have fun, I think they have the same look as Gen."


Gen has an incurable disease

Here's something you can't tell from his fun-loving photos.

Gen has had hereditary chronic renal failure since birth.

Sadly, renal failure cannot be cured.

Fortunately, Gen is very well-loved by his owners who provide him with a comfortable and stress-free life.

In their own words, they said:

"In midsummer or when the temperature is high, we take him for a walk in the cool early morning or midnight. On cold days we put him on warm clothes. It is to regulate his body temperature. And we always have fresh water and cool sheets, medicine, and buggy. That's because he can take a break as soon as he gets tired. Air conditioning is maintained throughout the year in the house, and room temperature is kept comfortable for 24 hours. We will continue to provide him with advanced medical care and a stress-free life. He has a blood test every two months. And we give him medicines and supplements for kidney disease every day. The food is given a special diet for kidney failure recommended by a doctor. When we buy treats to give him, we always check the additives and give him no additives. Because I think it's a matter of course that the owner keeps his health a little longer and values ​​his quality of life. Currently, his illness is a bit more advanced and he is receiving IV treatment twice a week."

An assistant dog

Despite his illness, Gen remains active as an assistant dog.

He helps inform the hearing impaired people that the arrival of visitors and alerts them to boiling water.

Gen's friendly personality makes him a great company for the bedridden elderly, as he brings comfort to them by simply staying close to them.

Gen also perks up people with disabilities and children in need with his visits.

Social distancing and disinfection

Gen's pawrent said that she considers Covid-19 much like other disasters that the Japanese have encountered before, such as typhoons and earthquakes.

During this period, the people in Japan follow government instructions closely such as wearing masks, washing hands and performing disinfection.

For dog owners like herself, they will usually bring their dog droppings home, wash the dog's feet and wipe their body with a towel after any trips outside.

Since Corgis are short, she will sometimes dress Gen up to protect him from dirt and bacteria.

Gen's pawrent also shared that owners in Japan will also feed their dogs with medicine to protect them from ticks and filariae.

In March or April, dogs in Japan must be vaccinated against rabies and epidemics as well.

In response to Covid-19, Gen's feet will be disinfected whenever they return from a walk and they will avoid places where many people gather as additional precautions.

Stay safe and healthy, Gen!

Top photos via Genthecorgi/Instagram


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