Police report filed against PHV driver who shoved security officer twice at Swiss Club S'pore

The driver allegedly did not cooperate with the security officer, and was prevented from entering the premises.

Tharun Suresh | August 15, 2024, 11:47 AM



A police report was filed on Aug. 11 against a private hire vehicle driver who was caught on video shoving a security officer twice at Swiss Club Singapore, the Union of Security Employees (USE) told Mothership.

USE also explained the circumstances of the altercation between the officer and the driver.

According to USE, the driver had apparently tried to enter the premises of the Swiss Club.

The officer then requested the driver to provide his reasons for doing so, apparently as required by the owners of the Swiss Club.

USE said the driver did not cooperate, and the officer did not allow him to enter.

This precipitated the altercation, with the driver blocking the road, before shouting at the officer and shoving him twice.

securityofficershovedtwice GIF from SG Road Vigilante/Facebook.

USE said the officer is currently on medical leave, and its representative plans on visiting him once he is back at work.

The union added that it "urges all parties to respect our officers and to comply with their requests as these are provided for under the Private Security Industry Act".

According to the Private Security Industry Act, it is an offence to use any indecent, threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or assault or use criminal force on a security officer.

"No officer should have to face threats and abuses whilst executing their duties," USE added.

"USE will continue to help officers who encounter abuse and report them to the authorities immediately for actions to be taken against the perpetrators."

Top photo from SG Road Vigilante/Facebook.