M'sia motorcyclist draws hammer from jacket & tosses it at car behind, narrowly missing


Tan Min-Wei | August 20, 2024, 09:14 PM

TelegramWhatsappA Malaysian driver was making their way along the highways surrounding Kuala Lumpur when a motorcyclist hurled a hammer at their car.

Hammer time

The driver was driving along when they were overtaken on their right side by a passing motorcyclist.

The rider drifted into the middle lane, in font of the cam car.

But the car driver thought nothing of it, continuing their journey to the smooth sounds of Kenny G.

The rider ahead rummaged around in their jacket and pulled out a hammer.

The motorcycle-riding discount brand Thor then casually tosses the hammer over their shoulder towards the car behind them.

The driver must have suspected something was up, because the car slows down significantly.

The dash cam showed the car going from about 80 km/h to about 40 km/h the moment the hammer was thrown.

Gif via @update11111/X

The driver then swerved to the left when they saw the hammer fly, with one of the car occupants yelling "Apa?!" (Malay for 'What?') and the other calling the rider "Bodoh!" (Stupid)

The rider simply glanced over his shoulder before speeding off.

Get me my riding hammer

The video was posted on the @update11111 account on X, where everything from the rider's morals to his aim was derided.

One claimed that it was part of a scam by towing companies, where the rider would damage a car, and a towing company would try to be the first on the scene.

Screenshots via X

The poster claimed to know as he had a friend who worked for towing companies, and had heard of such scams before.

But another commenter claimed that the car had been drifting into the right lane, into the way of the motorcyclist, causing anger on the part of the rider.

They were rebuked by people who pointed out that the rider had a hammer in his riding jacket ready to go, meaning he either pre-meditated the attack, or casually carried around a hammer everyday in order to retaliate against other drivers.

Screenshots via X

Top image via @update11111/X