Man points out thrown-away NDP goodie bags in rubbish bins near Padang, committee says they likely have defects

Around four to five trash bins worth of NDP goodie bags were thrown away, the reader estimated.

Ruth Chai | August 04, 2024, 03:15 PM



Several new-looking National Day Parade (NDP) goodie bags were seen discarded at a trash bin near the Padang.

Photos taken by a Mothership reader showed that the bags' contents included unopened drinks and rolled-up national flags.

The reader, who wished to remain anonymous, told Mothership that he had been out on his morning run at around 10am when he noticed several cleaners and joggers opening up the bins to check their contents.

"To be honest, no Singaporean will be so free to open up so many bins to check unless they lost something," he said.

Photo via Mothership reader.

Photos showed that there were at least eight regular bins and two recycling bins.

Curious, he approached the rubbish bins to take a look.

He noticed many NDP goodie bags and rolled-up national flags.

Photo via Mothership reader

Photo via Mothership reader

Pictures also showed unopened packet drinks and clappers.

Around four to five trash bins worth of NDP goodie bags were thrown away, the reader estimated.

Discarded goodie bags likely didn't meet quality control checks

A spokesperson from the NDP 2024 Organising Committee said it was likely that the thrown-away goodie bags failed to meet quality control standards.

"The NDP 2024 Organising Committee inspects all NDP packs before distribution as part of our continued efforts to ensure a positive experience for everyone attending NDP. NDP packs found to be damaged are discarded," the spokesperson said.

"We make every effort to salvage as many items as possible from these packs while maintaining strict hygiene standards," they added.

Blue recycling bins are also placed along exit paths so members of the public can recycle the items.

Top photo via Mothership reader