2 men arrested for allegedly breaking into Club Street residence, stealing cash & luxury goods worth S$117,300

Another man was also arrested for harbouring one of the two alleged burglars.

Matthias Ang | July 31, 2024, 04:40 PM



Two men, aged 31 and 32, were charged on Jul. 30 for the offence of housebreaking and theft.

The police said they had been alerted to a case of housebreaking and theft at a residential unit along Club Street on Jul. 28.

Cash amounting to approximately S$50,000, two pieces of luxury watches and five luxury bags with a total value of approximately S$67,300 and an assortment of jewellery were purportedly stolen.

Source: Photo via SPF

Both of them were arrested later on the same day, along with another 30-year-old man for the alleged offence of harbouring one of the two men.

Purportedly entered the unit by climbing over the air-con ledge

According to a press release by the police, preliminary investigations revealed that the men had purportedly entered the unit by climbing over the air-con ledge.

They had concealed their appearances with caps and wore masks when allegedly committing the offence.

Source: Image via Singapore Police Force (SPF)

Through ground enquiries and with the aid of images from police cameras and CCTV, officers from Central Police Division established the identities of the two men and arrested them on the same day of the report.

Cash amounting to approximately S$41,400, two pieces of luxury watches and the five luxury bags were recovered at that time.

Investigations ongoing against man who harboured one of the suspects

The police also said that investigations are ongoing against the 30-year-old who allegedly harboured one of the two suspects.

The press release did not indicate if it was the 31-year-old or 32-year-old.

The police added that harbouring an offender is a serious crime, which carries an imprisonment term up to one-fourth of the longest term of imprisonment provided for the predicate offence, or a fine, or both.

As for housebreaking and theft, the offence carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years and a fine. 

Top image courtesy of SPF.