Trevor Noah eats at Bencoolen prata shop after S'pore gig

He took a photo with a fan.

Winnie Li| June 04, 2024, 05:50 PM

A fan of South African comedian Trevor Noah realised her dream of taking a photograph with him after they happened to dine at the same eatery, Al-Jilani Restaurant in Bencoolen, after Noah's first show in Singapore on Jun. 3 night.

Noah is set to perform another three shows in Singapore as part of his "Off the Record" tour on Jun. 4, 5, and 6 at The Star Theatre.

The lucky fan, 31-year-old Adisti, subsequently shared her unforgettable encounter on TikTok.

@disdosse What are the odds really. What is my life😂😂😂 @Trevor Noah #trevornoah #standupcomedian #standup #dailyshow #singapore #singaporetiktok ♬ Plage Coquillage (First Kiss Song) - Tao Mon Amour

Initially thought it was impossible to take photo with Noah

Speaking to Mothership, Adisti said she flew to from Jakarta, Indonesia, to Singapore to catch Noah's show on Jun. 3.

Despite really wanting to take a photograph with Noah after the show, Adisti thought to herself that it would not be possible, she wrote in the caption of her TikTok video.

Adisti subsequently decided to dine at Al-Jilani, as she felt a craving for roti prata and found the eatery to be the nearest option from her hotel.

Image via Google Maps

Delightful discovery

However, just as Adisti and her cousin, Amanda, sat down at Al-Jilani, the pair suddenly spotted Noah and Wil Sylvince, the opener for Noah's show, a few tables from them.

Adisti shared: "We couldn't believe it because who would have thought?!"

Despite their excitement, Adisti and Amanda nevertheless decided to wait until Noah's team finished their meal before approaching them, as the pair "did not want to interrupt their dinner".

'Very nice' staff agreed to photo request

Later on, when a staff member of Noah's team got up and went to pay the bills at the cashier, Adisti quickly approached the staff and asked if she and Amanda could take a photograph with Noah and Sylvince.

In response, the staff asked Adisti and Amanda to wait until Noah's team was ready to leave.

After returning to his team, the staff gave Adisti a sign to come over.

"I went there and said, 'Hi! Trevor! May we take a picture with you and Wil? I just watched your show tonight,'" recounted Adisti.

After both Noah and Sylvince agreed, another staff of Noah's team offered to take the photo for the group.

Noah thanked Adisti and Amanda

While the group was taking the photo, Adisti said Sylvince surprised her and Amanda by making a joke, which made their smiles in the photo even bigger.

Adisti added that they also had a "very brief but delightful" exchange with Noah, who thanked her and Amanda for watching his show and wished them a good night.

In response, Adisti and Amanda wished Noah good luck for his upcoming shows in Singapore, shared Adisti.

Top images via disdosse/TikTok