All town councils in S'pore achieve top scores for estate cleanliness, maintenance in MND report

All green.

Ilyda Chua | June 27, 2024, 08:21 PM



All 17 town councils in Singapore received "green" ratings — the highest possible — in the Ministry of National Development's (MND) annual town council management report.

Released Jun. 27, the report assessed town councils across four categories related to their operations: estate cleanliness, estate maintenance, lift performance, and Service and Conservancy Charges (S&CC) arrears management.

"Green" is the highest available banding, followed by "amber" and "red".

Image via MND.

Previous ratings

This financial year is the first time that all town councils have scored "green" for all their operational areas.

The report was first introduced in 2009.

In FY2022, Sengkang Town Council (SKTC) received an "Amber" rating for S&CC arrears management.

It was the second year the town council received that rating in that category.

SKTC previously said that the rating pointed to "deeper, underlying challenges" residents face in managing rising costs of living.

It said in a follow-up statement in 2023 that it had seen a steady improvement, moving from the lower end of the amber band to the upper band between FY2021 and FY2022.

It had just over than 40 per cent of the monthly collectable S&CC overdue — the benchmark for a "green" score.

And in FY2019, three town councils received "amber" ratings, with Tampines Town Council emerging as the lowest scorer with two "amber" ratings.

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