Thai girl, 14, in ICU after allegedly chugging alcohol for S$37 as challenge by man

The legal drinking age in Thailand is 20.

Julia Yee | June 12, 2024, 03:51 PM



A 13-year-old girl in Thailand blacked out after guzzling alcohol from a bottle.

She and a male friend the same age were reportedly offered 1,000 baht (S$37) by a grown man to do so.

The act landed the girl in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), while the boy ended up heavily intoxicated.

For a challenge

Her relative told Thaiger that the girl — known as A — frequented a temple near her house to gather money from the monks.

This was supposedly meant to support the 13 family members she lived with, including elderly individuals, young children, and disabled persons.

On Jun. 9, A and her friend encountered the man in the area.

According to witnesses, he promised them the reward of cash — all they had to do was down half a bottle of alcohol.

A video of the incident showed the two teens drinking from the bottle while being cheered on by a group of men.

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The legal age for alcohol consumption in Thailand is 20.

Parent demands justice

The girl managed to complete the challenge, but lost consciousness soon after.

She was rushed to a hospital and ended up in critical condition at the ICU. Her friend was left in a heavily inebriated state.

The boy’s mother urged the culprit who got the teens involved in the incident to take responsibility, reported Thaiger.

An investigating officer declared they'd summon everyone in the video to the police station for questioning.

Their charges and punishment depend on the severity of A's condition.

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