S'pore preschool teacher suspended after kicking girl, 5, in the shin for not sitting properly

The girl suffered a serious bruise on her right shin.

Seri Mazliana | June 06, 2024, 03:25 AM



A preschool teacher in Singapore has been suspended after she kicked a girl's shin in order to discipline her for not sitting properly on Apr. 2, 2024.

The five-year-old girl suffered a serious bruise on her right shin, reported The Straits Times.

Teacher no longer working in preschool sector

In response to Mothership's queries, a spokesperson from the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) said the matter was reported to ECDA and the Singapore Police Force (SPF) by the girl's school and parents on Apr. 3.

The former teacher was promptly given a suspension following ECDA investigations.

The spokesperson said she eventually resigned and is no longer working in the preschool sector.

"ECDA has concluded investigations and taken regulatory actions against the preschool operator and teacher involved," the spokesperson added.

Police investigations are ongoing.

The parties involved cannot be named to protect the child's identity, as stipulated under the Children and Young Persons Act.

Girl suffered bruise on her shin

According to ST, the girl's parents took her to the KK Women's and Children's Hospital for a medical check-up after reporting the incident to the authorities.

She had suffered a haematoma, which is a serious bruise, on her right shin.

Following the incident, ECDA confirmed in an email to the girl's father that investigation findings concluded that the former teacher had used "inappropriate classroom management methods" to make the girl sit properly before a nap.

The girl has since transferred to another school and her parents expressed relief that the former teacher has resigned, reported ST.

Preschools required to report incidents to ECDA within 24 hours

The ECDA spokesperson said: "Preschools are required to report to ECDA all serious incidents that impact the safety of children and staff within 24 hours."

Following such reports, ECDA will conduct surprise investigations and take prompt actions if findings support the allegations.

Those deployed to work in preschools must first be approved by ECDA, which will also conduct additional necessary background checks.

All preschools are also required to practice systemic measures to keep children safe, including ensuring that child-safe policies and procedures are consistently and effectively implemented.

Parents and staff can also report any suspected child mismanagement in a preschool to ECDA at [email protected].

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