Pregnant cat survives Chatuchak market fire that killed over 1,000 animals


Julia Yee| June 13, 2024, 06:38 PM

Not all was lost in the fire that swept through Chatuchak Market.

Despite the thousands of animals that perished, one feline survived the blaze.

She emerged from the wreckage bruised and burnt, but is now on her way towards recovery.


A video posted on Facebook showed the cat crouching on the roof of a stall, amid the charred remains of the market.

Image via Clouseau Puttiporn/Facebook

A man used a long stick with a rope attached at one end to port the cat down.

Gif via Clouseau Puttiporn/Facebook

The animal was later placed in a cage and brought to an animal hospital.

Image via Clouseau Puttiporn/Facebook

But there might've been more than one life saved that day.

Road to recovery

After going through an ultrasound and X-ray examinations at the clinic, the cat was discovered to be in its first month of pregnancy.

The video's poster said she was carrying at least three kittens.

Image via Clouseau Puttiporn/Facebook

In addition, the cat was found to have blistered paws, a burnt hind leg, and pneumonia due to inhaling smoke.

But she will move on from the flames.

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Top images via Clouseau Puttiporn/Facebook