PM Wong meets presidents of Ukraine, Timor-Leste & the Philippines, Indonesia's president-elect, US & China defence ministers

All on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue.

Matthias Ang| June 02, 2024, 09:13 PM

Singapore hosted the 2024 IISS Shangri-La Dialogue from May 31 to Jun. 2.

During the dialogue, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong met with multiple leaders and ministers on the sidelines, making it the first time he did so for some in his capacity as Prime Minister.

Some of these included:

Ukraine's President

On Jun. 2, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Singapore to attend the dialogue.

Apart from speaking at the dialogue, he also met PM Wong and President Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

During his meeting with PM Wong, they discussed global developments and potential sectors where Ukraine and Singapore could deepen cooperation, such as in trade and economic relations, according to a press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Following their meeting, both PM Wong and Zelensky witnessed the signing of the Ukraine-Singapore Air Services Agreement, which would pave the way for increased air connectivity between Singapore and Ukraine.

Source: Photo via MCI

The President of the Philippines

PM Wong also met the President of the Philippines, Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., on May 31.

During their meeting, they discussed ways of collaborating in areas such as the digital economy, carbon credits and renewable energy.

In an Instagram post put up on May 31, Wong added, "We agreed that the progress made in bilateral cooperation could serve as a building block towards an integrated Asean."



Lawrence Wong(@lawrencewongst)がシェアした投稿

Indonesia's President-elect and Defence Minister

On Jun. 1, PM Wong met Indonesia's President-elect and Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto.

The Prime Minister wrote on Instagram, "We had met recently at the Singapore-Indonesia Leaders’ Retreat in Bogor, and it was good to catch up again before he transits to his new role."

PM Wong also noted that Prabowo has contributed "tremendously" over the past decades to closer ties between Singapore and Malaysia.

"I look forward to attending his presidential inauguration later this year, and working with him to bring our relations to greater heights," PM Wong wrote.



Lawrence Wong(@lawrencewongst)がシェアした投稿

Timor-Leste's President

PM Wong also met the President of Timor-Leste, José Ramos-Horta, on Jun. 1.

The Prime Minister said Singapore will continue to contribute to Timor-Leste’s capability building efforts, and share Singapore's own experiences in areas such as water management, education and skills development.

"We hope that this will enable Timor-Leste to progress in its development journey and eventually come on board as a full Asean member," he said.



Lawrence Wong(@lawrencewongst)がシェアした投稿

The defence ministers of both U.S. & China

In addition, PM Wong met the defence minister of China, Dong Jun, on May 31.

During the meeting, both PM Wong and Dong spoke about the high-level visits, military-to-military interactions, and academic exchanges between both countries, according to MINDEF.

They also exchanged views on global and regional security developments.

Photo via MINDEF

The same day also saw PM Wong meeting the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.

During their meeting, they exchanged views on geopolitical developments, according to MINDEF.

Austin also affirmed the US’ continued support for the Singapore Armed Forces’ training in the US, while PM Wong emphasised Singapore’s longstanding support for the US’ regional presence.

Photo via MINDEF

PM Wong subsequently stated in an Instagram post on Jun. 1 that he was glad that both Austin and Dong had their first face-to-face talks on the sidelines of the dialogue, and are committed to maintaining open lines of military-to-military communications.

"These channels are critical in stabilising security relations between the two countries, and preventing flashpoint disputes from spinning out of control," he said.



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Top left photo via MINDEF, right photo via MFA