PM Wong makes introductory visits to Brunei & M'sia, reaffirms bilateral relationships

PM Wong said that his focus, having just assumed his role, is to focus on human relationships.

Tan Min-Wei | Keyla Supharta | June 12, 2024, 08:08 PM

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Singapore's bilateral relations with Malaysia are in very good shape and progressing well, with the potential for both countries to do more together, said Prime Minister Lawrence Wong during his introductory visit to Malaysia on Wednesday (Jun. 12).

Areas of cooperation

Speaking at a joint press conference with Malaysia's Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, PM Wong said he and Anwar have identified several key areas of collaboration.

According to Anwar, this includes the possibility of Singapore sending teachers to Malaysia to teach English or other subjects to many regions in the country.

“We did discuss about the possibility of Singapore considering my humble submission of sending teachers to teach English or some other subjects to many regions in this country… and I’m extremely pleased that Prime Minister Lawrence is prepared to positively [respond to] this,” said Anwar.

"This is not something that we prepared through the offices. We want to just to prove that sometimes Prime Ministers can decide before the offices."

Meanwhile, PM Wong also pointed towards other areas of cooperation, such as the Johor Singapore Special Economic Zone and Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System (RTS) Link project, which has achieved a 77.6 per cent completion rate.

PM Wong noted that both projects will increase the cross-border flow of people, goods, and investments — bringing the two countries together and benefiting both Malaysians and Singaporeans.

When asked by Malaysian news outlet Bernama, PM Wong said Singapore is also open to discussions on the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR), if there are any proposals.

Focus on human relationships, trust

During his speech, PM Wong said that it was important for him to make an early introductory visit to Malaysia to establish a good working rapport and relationship with the country.

When answering a question from CNA, PM Wong said that his focus, having just assumed his role, is to focus on human relationships. He further stressed the importance of trust, especially between leaders.

"PM Anwar called me the morning after I was sworn in as Prime Minister. He was the first foreign leader to do so, and in that phone conversation, he invited me to make an early introductory visit to Malaysia," PM Wong said.

PM Wong was sworn in as Singapore's fourth Prime Minister on May 15, 2024.

Two weeks after his swearing-in ceremony, the Prime Minister announced he would be making an early trip to Kuala Lumpur as a part of a series of introductory visits to neighbouring Asean countries.

Redouble efforts to work closely together

During the joint press conference on Jun. 12, PM Wong said there would be a continuity in the strategic bilateral approach of engaging one another.

At the same time, he pointed out the need for both Malaysia and Singapore to redouble efforts to work closely together as "we are entering a world that is becoming more dangerous, more unpredictable, [and] more troubled".

"While issues may arise from time to time, as is bound to happen between close friends and neighbours, PM Anwar and I are committed to tackling them constructively while keeping our overall relationship positive and forward-looking," said PM Wong.

Candid, productive discussion on outstanding bilateral issues

To that end, PM Wong said that he and Anwar had a "candid" and "productive" discussion on outstanding bilateral issues such as airspace, water, and maritime delimitation.

Discussions are currently ongoing and will continue to be discussed in the upcoming Singapore-Malaysia Leaders' retreat.

Anwar said jokingly that in terms of a timeline for resolution, the issues should have been resolved "yesterday".

He acknowledged that there was no question that such issues needed to be resolved, but it was necessary to get into the "nitty gritty" and get "the details to be resolved".

In the meantime, both leaders will continue to provide strategic directions for their officials to make progress in their discussions.

"Whatever differences we may have on these issues should not affect or colour how we treat the overall relationship, and certainly should not detract from the possibilities of pursuing new areas of cooperation," PM Wong said.

Introductory visit to Brunei

PM Wong also made an introductory visit to Brunei on Jun. 11 before he visited Malaysia.

The trip to Brunei and Malaysia marked PM Wong's first official overseas visit.

In Brunei, PM Wong was received by Brunei's crown prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Al-Muhtadee Billah before having a royal audience with Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah, who also hosted an official lunch.

Image via Ministry of Communications and Information, Singapore (MCI)

"Special relationship"

During the visit, PM Wong reaffirmed Singapore's commitment to strengthening the "special relationship" between the two countries and expressed his appreciation for the Sultan's "steadfast support" over the past 40 years, when diplomatic relations were first established.

He also thanked Bolkiah for his longstanding support for the Singapore Armed Forces training in Brunei and expressed his appreciation for the "deep and multifaceted cooperation between the two militaries".

While in Brunei, PM Wong also met with Crown Prince Billah regarding their co-chairing of the Singapore-Brunei Young Leaders' Programme (YLP).

Singapore will host the 10th YLP later in the year, with PM Wong welcoming Billah to Singapore, while reaffirming the importance of the YLP to deepen the close friendships between leaders in both countries.

Top image via Anwar Ibrahim/Facebook & Ministry of Communications and Information, Singapore (MCI)