S'pore driver, 62, who punched another man in road rage incident, gets 10 days' jail

middle fingers were pointed.

Amber Tay | June 12, 2024, 07:18 PM



A 62-year-old Singaporean man who fought with a 50-year-old man and two other women along Still Road was fined S$2,600 and sentenced to ten days' in jail on Jun. 10.

His driver's license was also suspended for eight months.

The brawl, which happened in February 2023, began with the two men cursing and showing each other the middle finger after getting into a road rage incident.

What happened

50-year-old Wang Pengyue (transliteration from Chinese) had been driving at the junction of Still Road and Joo Chiat Terrace with his wife and 12-year-old daughter in the car, reported Shin Min Daily News.

Wang wanted to make a u-turn along Still Road.

However, a car driven by 62-year-old Huang Zhi An (transliteration from Chinese) was stopped in the yellow grid at the junction at the time, obstructing Wang.

Furious, Wang rolled down the window and cursed at Huang.

In response, Huang cursed back and they both gave each other the middle finger.

After Wang managed to make a u-turn, Huang cut into Wang's lane and got out of the car to knock on Wang's window.

Huang returned to his car and began to drive away, but Wang then got out of his car and ran to confront Huang, throwing several punches at Huang's car window.

As he was trying to drive away, Huang deliberately brushed past Wang with the left side of his car.

Wang's wife then ran to hit the bonnet of Huang's car with an umbrella.

Video via Uhhuhdon/TikTok

The two men got into a brawl, throwing punches at each other.

Wang's wife also hit Huang with the umbrella.

Video via Uhhuhdon/TikTok

The fight ended when a member of the public stepped in to stop them.

Judge said Huang used his car to deliberately hurt Wang

The judge said Huang's action to deliberately hurt Wang with his car showed that it was necessary to sentence the former with imprisonment.

Huang faced a total of four charges.

He pleaded guilty on Jun. 3, and was sentenced on Jun. 10.

Top image via Shin Min Daily News and Uhhuhdon/TikTok