Customer finds cigarette butt in soup from Ng Teng Fong stall; stall denies fault, says premises are smoke free

SFA is looking into the matter.

Daniel Seow | June 01, 2024, 11:48 AM



A regular patron of a snack stall at Ng Teng Fong Hospital said she had a nasty surprise on Thursday (May 30) when her usual order of mock shark's fin soup came with a used cigarette butt.

In response, the stall has denied that the cigarette butt came from one of their staff because their premises are smoke-free.

'Sick to my stomach': Customer

The customer, surnamed Foo, told Mothership that on the morning of May 30, she bought a takeaway container of mock shark's fin soup from the Old Times outlet at the hospital.

It was a dish she would buy from the same stall about two or three times a week for breakfast, on her way to work.

Foo said she went straight to her office at IMM as usual and started on some work while drinking the soup.

However, she soon tasted something "weird and unchewable" in her spoonful of soup.

She felt "sick to her stomach" when she spat out the object and realised it was a cigarette butt.

Image from Foo.

Foo then threw away the rest of the soup and rinsed her mouth repeatedly to get rid of the lingering taste.

She also messaged the stall to report the incident.

In their reply to Foo, the stall apologised for the unpleasant experience and told her that they would investigate the matter.

However, Foo said the unwelcome ingredient in the soup had already ruined her appetite for the rest of the day.

Won't eat there anymore

Foo noted that on that morning, she didn't see anyone smoking at the stall and that its surroundings looked clean.

She added that she has been patronising the stall for about a year without incident.

However, Foo shared it would be her last time buying anything from there again.

"Every time I walk past it on the way to my office, I am reminded of the taste of that cigarette butt," she said.

In response to Mothership's enquiries, a stall spokesperson said the incident is under investigation.

"But with certainty, the cigarette butt did not come from our staff as the premise is strictly smoke-free," the spokesperson added.

Foo has yet to receive a refund from the stall.

We are looking into the matter: SFA

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) told Mothership that it is looking into the matter.

SFA said that it takes a serious view towards food safety and will investigate all feedback alleging poor food safety practices.

SFA may engage the feedback provider for more details and will not hesitate to take enforcement action if sufficient evidence has been obtained.

The agency added that food safety is a joint responsibility.

"While SFA puts in place and enforces the regulatory measures, food operators must play their part by adhering to good food hygiene and preparation practices. Food operators should also ensure their premises are clean and well-maintained," the agency said.

Members of the public concerned about food safety practices by food operators should report to SFA via an online feedback form.

Top image from Foo / Google