Ex-child actress Cheryl Desiree Chan returns to 'I Not Stupid 3' to play a parent

She was known for playing the rebellious teenager 'Selena Khoo' in the first movie.

Seri Mazliana | June 08, 2024, 03:35 AM



Former child actress, Cheryl Desiree Chan, known for her role as "Selena Khoo" in director Jack Neo's 2002 movie, "I Not Stupid", has made her big screen comeback.

Chan, 35, who originally played the rebellious teenage sister of protagonist "Terry Khoo", is acting as a parent in the latest sequel, "I Not Stupid 3".

Persuaded to come back as she is "missed on screen": Jack Neo

Neo, 64, invited Chan back for a role in the movie as she had been "missed on screen".

Speaking at the movie's press conference on Jun. 4, he said he persuaded her by reassuring her that viewers still remember her and would like to see her again.

Screenshot from "I Not Stupid".

He added that she agreed "almost immediately".

Neo praised her acting skills and professionalism in this latest outing, saying that her performance had not worsened at all despite her hiatus the last 22 years.

He added that he is keen for her to continue being part of his films in the future.

"'Selena Khoo' character played a pivotal role in my life": Chan

Chan, currently working in the banking sector and a mother of two daughters, said she returned to take on the role as a mother because she felt that she could relate to the character as she has also become one now.

She said her "Selena Khoo" character played "a very pivotal role" in her life as it exposed her to filming.

Starring in the franchise did not only sharpen her skills in acting, but also her parenting skills.

"I think I can relate to the parents in this show, because academics is one part of it and there is also Direct School Admission (DSA)," she said.

Chan with her "I Not Stupid 3" co-stars and Goh Wee-ann, who plays her daughter in the movie. Photo via Cheryl Desiree Chan on Facebook.

She admits to being a kiasu parent by sending her two daughters, aged four and eight, to various classes and activities, but also understands that she should not be too hard on them.

"I Not Stupid 3" is about two competitive mothers who push their Primary Six sons to be the top student in school for the national Primary School Leaving Examinations.

It also features a dyslexic protagonist and explores issues of students' well-being in the middle of parental pressures.

The movie is now showing in local cinemas.

Top photos via I Not Stupid & Cheryl Desiree Chan/Facebook