Are you a Singaporean citizen looking to make your vote count in the upcoming General Election (GE)?
The Elections Department (ELD) is releasing the revised list of all qualified voters, which the public can view from Wednesday, Jun. 19 to Jul. 2, 2024.
Here's how to check if you are eligible to vote:
Check online
Singapore citizens may check their particulars in the registers electronically via the ELD website,
Alternatively, login via the Singpass app and access the "My Profile" section.
Image from ELD (for reference only).
After selecting "View all", you'll be able to see a drop-down menu with "Register of Electors".
Image from ELD (for reference only).
As of Jun. 1, 2024, a person is qualified as an elector if he is:
- a Singapore citizen
- 21 years old and above
- not disqualified as an elector under any written law
- has a Singapore residential address or local contact address
Check in person
Those unable to check their particulars online may do so at community centres and clubs (CCs), ServiceSG Centres or at the ELD office itself.
They can make an e-appointment via the ELD website or call 1800-225-5353.
The list of CCs can be found here.
The list of ServiceSG Centres can be found here.
Overseas Singaporeans unable to do so online may check their particulars at designated overseas registration centres:
Image from ELD.
What if I can't find my name on the register?
Those who've had their names removed or omitted from the registers, say for failing to vote at a past election, may submit a claim to have their names restored.
Qualified voters should update their particulars if they are reflected differently from their NRIC.
Persons can also submit an objection to remove a name from the register for the electoral division that the person is in.
These claims and objections can be submitted online on the ELD website, or in-person at the physical centres mentioned previously.
Apply early if you're not on the list
ELD encourages prospective voters to register as soon as possible, so that they will be eligible to cast their vote.
"They are encouraged to apply early as, under the law, we will not be able to restore their names during the period from the date the Writ for an election is issued until after Nomination Day if the election is not contested, or until after Polling Day if a poll is to be taken," said ELD.
Top image from Canva
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