M'sia orangutan walks into cafe & helps itself to cold drink in cafe fridge without paying

Apes together strong.

Julia Yee| May 13, 2024, 04:17 PM

While Singaporeans have been cooking in the heat recently, with temperatures projected to rise in May and June 2024, our neighbours over in Malaysia have been sharing the same woes.

The heat in Sabah got so bad that it apparently prompted one orangutan to seek out a cold drink from a cafe.

Free drink

Facebook user Arthur Chung, whose profile states he works at the Sabah Forestry Department, shared a clip of the orangutan raiding the fridge in Keruing Cafe at the Rainforest Discovery Centre in the small town Sepilok.

In the video posted on May 10, the orangutan stood in front of the opened fridge pondering over the selection of drinks.

The current weather in the area, according to Chung, was "extremely hot".

Image via Arthur Chung/Facebook

Just as the orangutan reached out to grab a can in front of it, its eyes caught sight of a worthier prize.

Gif via Arthur Chung/Facebook

Quickly abandoning the can, the ape reached out to grab a large carton of drink instead.

Its other hand held on to what looked like packets of food.

Hefting the carton over its head, the orangutan guzzled down its contents.

Gif via Arthur Chung/Facebook

The primate then sat down and tore open the carton, as if to check if there was any beverage left.

Image via Arthur Chung/Facebook

It then left without paying.

Image via Arthur Chung/Facebook

Monkey see, monkey steal

Top images via Arthur Chung/Facebook