Indian worker killed by toxic gas at PUB plant planned to visit Gardens By The Bay with daughters, aged 7 & 9, that evening

He inhaled hydrogen sulphide while carrying out routine tank cleaning works at PUB's Choa Chu Kang Waterworks.

Winnie Li | May 29, 2024, 02:45 PM



On May 23, nine-year-old Mahasri and seven-year-old Srinisha were eagerly waiting for their father, 40-year-old Srinivasan Sivaraman, who had promised that he would bring them to visit Gardens By The Bay after work.

However, Sivaraman never returned from work that day, as the Indian national passed away at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital after inhaling hydrogen sulphide while carrying out routine tank cleaning works at PUB's Choa Chu Kang Waterworks.

Family here for holidays

Sivaraman's brother-in-law, Mohan Naveenkumar, shared that Mahasri and Srinisha arrived in Singapore on May 2 with their mother, Narmatha, according to a report by Tamil Murasu translated by The Straits Times.

As Sivaraman planned to go on leave on May 27, the family initially decided to spend a month in Singapore for holidays before heading to Malaysia.

However, the family cancelled their plans upon learning about Sivaraman's tragic passing.

According to Naveenkumar, Narmatha was "so distraught" that she brought her daughters back to the family's home town in the Southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu on May 24, the day after the incident, to be with her relatives.

Family yet to break news to Sivaraman's daughters

Naveenkumar also shared that despite receiving questions from Sivaraman's young daughters about where their father was and why was he not in their home town to welcome them, the family had yet to find the best way to inform his daughters about his passing.

The rest of the family was also trying to come to terms with the sudden loss, he added.

On May 26, approximately 50 Sivaraman's family, friends, and colleagues gathered to pay him their final respects before his body was brought back to India for the final rites, accompanied by Naveenkumar.

Always willing to help others

While Sivaraman's life was tragically cut short, he was fondly remembered for his willingness to help his family and friends.

According to Naveenkumar, Sivaraman funded his education and helped him in finding a job in Singapore.

Likewise, another friend who bid his farewell to Sivaraman on May 26 also said the latter was like an "elder brother" who would always extend a helping hand to those in need.

The friend also added it was difficult to understand and believe that Sivaraman is now gone.

Another worker passed away after inhaling toxic gas

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said Sivaraman and two male Malaysian workers, aged 24 and 39, were found unconscious at PUB's Choa Chu Kang Waterworks at around 11:15am on May 23, reported ST.

The trio were subsequently conveyed unconscious to the hospital, and the two Malaysian workers were warded in the intensive care unit (ICU).

However, at around 10pm on May 28, the 24-year-old worker succumbed to his injuries, said a PUB spokesperson in an updated statement on May 29 about the second death.

The third worker, a 39-year-old Malaysian, had been moved out of the ICU on May 28 and is currently in a stable condition.

"PUB would like to express our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the worker. Together with our contractor, we are doing everything possible to support his family during this difficult period," the statement read.

MOM, PUB investigating

The spokesperson said PUB is also "cooperating fully" with MOM on its investigation and is conducting a safety investigation of its own.

"As part of our safety timeout, PUB has been reviewing our safety protocols, especially those pertaining to work in confined spaces where there is risk of exposure to toxic gases and chemicals, as well as reinforcing the importance of following procedures to ensure the safety of our employees and contractor workers."

PUB has been progressively lifting the safety timeout at worksites and plants where the agency is satisfied that the necessary and appropriate measures are in place, the spokesperson added.

Top images via sgPUB/YouTube & Canva