2 M'sian Muslim women feed & care for stray puppies roaming outside residence


Fiona Tan| January 21, 2024, 02:58 PM

Despite their religious beliefs, a Malaysian woman and her helper have been caring for a pack of stray puppies.

A Malaysian woman and her helper have won praise after videos of them caring for a pack of stray puppies were widely circulated.

Puppies were born outside of woman's house

The pair's actions, seen in the woman's @draishahlangkawii TikTok video, has captured the attention of people online and won praise.

The woman, Siti Aishah Yunos, a doctor in Langkawi, Kedah, shared that the puppies were born at the street in front of her house.

The puppies do not belong to Aishah, but prefer the area outside of Aishah's residence, spending most of their time there when they are not roaming the area.

Developed familiarity

Aishah and her helper, whom she called makcik (aunty), appear to have developed a familiarity with and become attuned to the puppies, and vice versa.

Aishah revealed that she has been feeding the puppies for the past three months.

During that time, her makcik even cleared the bushes in the area so that the puppies can play freely.

The puppies, on the other hand, appear to recognise Aishah as their source of food, and a black puppy will wait patiently outside her gate to be fed, Aishah said.

Aishah added that other dogs would visit her residence for food, and almost as if on cue, a pack of three white puppies appeared, eager to be fed.

Despite it being chowtime, the puppies appear to know to reign in their excitement and keep a safe distance from both women while waiting for their food.

Puppies apparently popular with the residents

Remarking on the puppies' intelligence, Aishah said they are also popular with her neighbours as their presence in the area has supposedly deterred mat rempit (illegal racers) from racing down the streets and brought peace.

She added that her neighbours also interact and play with the puppies.

Won praise

A common misconception is that Muslims are prohibited from touching dogs, or that doing so is haram (forbidden).

However, according to the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), it is neither against Islamic law, nor is it a sin to touch dogs.

Muslims have to cleanse the area of their body that has come into contact with a dog's saliva using a method called sertu, where the area is cleansed seven times — once with water mixed with earth (soil), and six times with clean water.

Perhaps to avoid this, Muslims generally tend to minimise contact and/ or stay away from dogs altogether.

However, there have been examples of Muslim individuals coming into contact with dogs, such as a Malaysian veterinarian who treats dogs.

This perhaps explains why the feedback to Aishah and her makcik's actions have been overwhelmingly positive.

Most of the individuals commended and thanked the pair for caring for the dogs.

You can watch Aishah's videos below,

@draishahlangkawii♬ Funny video "Carmen Prelude" Arranging weakness(836530) - yo suzuki(akisai)

@draishahlangkawii #fyp #menopause #infertility #filler #fyp#fyp ♬ Funny video "Carmen Prelude" Arranging weakness(836530) - yo suzuki(akisai)

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Top image from @draishahlangkawii/TikTok