Tharman never formally proposed to his wife Jane Ittogi

They're not a romantic couple in the conventional sense.

Joshua Lee| August 01, 2023, 12:30 PM

A new Lianhe Zaobao interview has shed light on the chemistry between presidential hopeful Tharman Shanmugaratnam and his wife, Jane Yumiko Ittogi.

Published on Jul. 31, the couple answered a series of candid questions about their life together.

In the interview, Tharman revealed that he did not formally propose to Ittogi.

"There was no formal proposal. We just sort of constantly discussed over the years, then realised, 'Yeah, Ok," Tharman said, while Ittogi giggled on the side.

"We just knew each other so well and that was it."

Photo by Andrew Koay

The couple also did not have a wedding dinner, opting instead for a "small wedding lunch".

Tharman also revealed that when the couple went on their honeymoon, Ittogi didn't know where they were going until they boarded the plane.

Tharman had planned the entire trip and surprised her with a trip to Sulawesi and did mountain-climbing.

Not romantic couple in conventional sense

If that doesn't sound very romantic to you, well, the couple stressed that they are not romantic people, at least not in the conventional sense.

"We are not, as a couple, the type who do romantic gestures," Tharman explained.

Photo: Tharman Shanmugaratnam/Facebook

The way they express their love for each other is pretty mundane, like buying pain ointment or sending Ittogi a photo of her favourite flowers (it's wisteria, for those who are curious).

"And doing things that I never asked for," Ittogi quipped. "I guess that's pretty romantic."

"You see, to be very close partners together, you don't always need to have romantic gestures. Some people do, some people don't," said Tharman.

The video interview, which was conducted in English, covers a lot more.

You can watch it here.

Top image: Lianhe Zaobao