Blue Moon supermoon will shine over S'pore on Aug. 31 night

If it is not cloudy.

Belmont Lay| August 31, 2023, 05:59 PM

The second supermoon in August 2023 will appear over Singapore on Thursday night, Aug. 31.

The Blue Moon is expected to be the brightest and closest supermoon to Earth in 2023, the Science Centre Observatory previously said.

It comes after the Sturgeon Moon appeared on Aug. 1 and the Perseid meteor shower occurred on Aug. 12 and 13.

Time Blue Moon visible

The Blue Moon will begin rising at 7:34pm from the east on Aug. 31.

Optimal viewing window of the moon in Singapore would be from 9pm, and reach its highest point at 12:51am on Friday.

It will set at 7:03am.

The best places to catch the Blue Moon is at Marina Barrage, East Coast Park and Southern Ridges.

The fourth and final supermoon in 2023, the Harvest Moon, will be on Sep. 29.

Top photo via Unsplash