Star Awards 2023: We rate celebs' outfits super honestly

Walk of Fame indeed.

Mandy How| April 09, 2023, 09:57 PM

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Star Awards 2023 is being held on Apr. 9 (Sunday).

Local celebs sauntered down the red carpet at Marina Bay Sands (MBS) to adoring fans and sweaty media personnel who were there to capture their outfits and write an article about it.

Photo by Mandy How.

So here it goes: our only chance to be the fashion police, qualified or not.

Richie Koh

Koh on the extreme left. Photo by Mandy How.

K0h is the latest Mediacorp product to capture mainstream attention thanks to his role in "Your World in Mine".

He wears a white suit charmingly enough, and gamely makes a joke about his height while standing next to his fellow nominees for the Bioskin Most Charismatic Award (Ayden Sng, Fang Rong, Carrie Wong, and Nick Teo), who were towering above him.

Screenshot via Mediacorp Entertainment/YouTube

"I think my charisma lies in my height, because among the five of us, I am indeed the most outstanding," Koh jests.

We like a self-deprecating man. 8/10.

Ayden Sng

Sng on the extreme left. Photo via Mediacorp.

Not sure what to feel about his bare chest. Alarmingly, he turned out to be the first of many who's not wearing a shirt underneath his blazer.


Shane Pow

Pow on the extreme right. Photo by Mandy How.

He's sporting a neutral outfit, but Pow is looking like a whole new man with lustrous hair. Not bad.



Kun Hua on the extreme left. Photo by Mandy How.



Because his skateboard doesn't match his outfit pls what is happening.


Ann Kok

Kok is second from left. Photo by Mandy How.

Kok is looking classy in this emerald green. We can't even find anything snarky to say.


Xiang Yun

Xiang Yun in the middle. Photo by Mandy How.

Photo via Amazon Singapore

It's easy to see why Xiang Yun was the, um, highlight of the red carpet show. We mean it in the best possible way, though.

She also took home the Evergreen Artiste Award and Best Supporting Actress Award. Wow.


Edwin Goh

Goh on the extreme right. Photo by Mandy How.

The man in love is wearing a holey, knitted piece. We're worried for his nipples.


Joel Choo

Choo on the extreme left. Photo by Mandy How.

Photo by Mandy How.

You might think Choo looks boring in his all-black suit... but your mind's gonna change real quick.

Some Pokemon card?? Photo by Mandy How.

Photo by Mandy How.

The media got a good chuckle, at least.


Kym Ng

Ng on the extreme left. Photo by Mandy How.

Ng looks even better in real life with her shimmery sequin dress, although its pattern reminds us a little of the cloth samples one might see at interior design shops.


Hermen Keh & Tyler Ten

Keh on the extreme left, and Ten on the extreme right. Photo by Mandy How.

Two more guys without their shirts.

Keh looks a bit too horny, and Tyler Ten might have to change his name to Tyler Five.

Herman Keh: 6/10.

Tyler Ten: 5/10.

Chantalle Ng

Ng in the middle. Photo by Mandy How.

Photo via Mediacorp

Despite looking like she has alien eggs in her hair, Ng is still very pretty.


Pan Ling Ling

Pan in the middle Photo by Mandy How.

Pan is seeing red this year. Red... Hong... Hui... Fang..........


Desmond Tan

Tan on the extreme left. Photo by Mandy How.

Photo by Mandy How.

Tan keeps smouldering at the media today. Don't go! Don't leaf us hanging like this.


Zoe Tay

Gorgeous as always. At this point we're starting to think that the stylist is being threatened with their job if they don't make Tay look damn good.

Photo by Mandy How.


Conclusion: More nice outfits than not this year. Amazing.

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Top photos via Mediacorp