I watched the 51-minute video by Dee Kosh denying he's a paedophile, here's the summary

You're welcome.

Hannah Martens| April 14, 2023, 10:08 AM

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Former local radio deejay and YouTuber Dee Kosh has put up a 51-minute supposedly tell-all video.

Uploaded to Rumble, the 34-year-old, whose real name is Darryl Ian Koshy, denied being a paedophile and tried to explain his actions that got him into trouble.

Dee Kosh was accompanied by two women in the video who were asking him questions, but they did not appear on-screen.

Rumble is a video platform utilised by right-leaning Americans and touted as an alternative to YouTube.

It is skewed towards a male audience.

In the video, Dee Kosh talked about the allegations he faced, touching on the entire process from his arrest to pleading guilty, and the aftermath since he left prison.

However, he did not touch on his time in prison.

On May 30, 2022, Dee Kosh pleaded guilty to one count of attempted sexual exploitation of a boy under the age of 18, one count of offering money to a boy below 18 for sexual services, and one count of making an obscene film.

Dee Kosh was convicted in August 2022 for various sexual offences and was jailed for 32 weeks.

Here is a summary of the video and the key takeaways.

Addressing the allegations

It all started in 2020.

  • When he was first accused in August 2020, he went on Instagram and immediately denied the allegations.
  • However, he claimed that people took his denial as denying all the allegations against him, which was "not true".
  • Dee Kosh claimed he faced allegations of him trying to

    • Sleep with "the guy".
    • Sleep with his talents.
    • Use his YouTube channel to look for people to sleep with.

  • He denied that he came up with an overnight shoot to spend time with a specific person. There was a shoot that he wanted to do that day but did not as the person said no.
  • Dee Kosh did not know the person was accusing him of "coming on" to him.
  • "So, of course, when he came up with those allegations, I had to deny them... So that's what I did. That was my first reaction. I denied all those allegations."
  • "The first denial was the denial of those allegations and not everything that came after the first allegations."
  • Dee Kosh said he sent the person a cease and desist letter, which he believed every business owner would do.
  • "When someone talks about your business like that, you're definitely going to send a letter to say, 'Hey, these are the things you're saying... we need you to stop saying these things because they are untrue'."
  • He said he did not send cease and desist letters to all the people who accused him.

Paying for company

  • He characterised paying for company as being similar to having a "sugar baby", for a "lack of a better word"
  • He said he chose the "sugar daddy/ sugar baby" lifestyle because he was lonely "in a sense", and it was hard for him to get into a relationship due to his busy work life as he had no time to date.
  • He also shared that he was not open about his sexuality and was deeply closeted.
  • "It's a bit like dodgy, you know, morally. Some people will have a problem with it but lawfully, it's not against the law to do that."
  • He described the whole affair as messy, with many allegations coming out.
  • He said he still stood by his statement at that time, but it was "just very hard to address everything at once, without context, so that's why I waited till now".
  •  One of the off-screen females clarified that the "sugar babying started way before" this incident, and Dee Kosh confirmed he started around 2015 to 2016.

Did not know it was against the law

  • Dee Kosh admitted that he knew one of his "sugar babies" was 17 years old but did not know it was against the law.
  • "It was only when I was exposed, and people were like, 'Oh my god, it's against the law'. Then I was like 'Oh s**t, it's against the law'."
  • Commercial sex, or paying for sex, with persons under 18 is a punishable offence under section 376B of the Penal Code.
  • When Dee Kosh was arrested in October 2020, the police seized his iPads, phones, 24 SD cards and CPU for investigation.
  • He said eight police reports were made against him.
  • Four reports stated that Dee Kosh requested sex in exchange for money when the victims were 17.
  • Another report said he asked for sex in exchange for money when another victim was 15.
  • Another two police reports stated Dee Kosh requested sex from the victims, but they were all of legal age. He cannot remember if there was money involved.
  • "The last police report, which is the one that really made my knees tremble, was a rape allegation."
  • He does not deny the reports made by the 17-year-old.
  • "You know, it was my bad. It's against the law."
  • Regarding the case involving the 15-year-old, Dee Kosh said he met the victim on Grindr, and the teen had an emoji with the money sign on his name, meaning he was looking to be paid for services.
  • When the conversation moved from Grindr to Instagram, Dee Kosh realised the victim was 15 years old as Grindr does not display users' age.

The two videos found on his old phone

  • Investigations took about a year.
  • The police called him back to get a statement regarding two videos that he had filmed of him and another showing him having sexual intercourse without the other person's consent to be filmed.
  • The person in the video was 23 or 24 years old at that time.
  • This was the person who accused him of rape, and he said he would "like to believe" the video was the reason the rape charges were dropped.
  • While he does acknowledge that filming without consent was wrong and against the law, he "liked to believe that video, sort of, saved [his] life".

"Media outlets were very misleading"

  • He read out all his charges.
  • He stressed two keywords when reading his charges, "attempts" and "communicate".
  • Dee Kosh clarified that there was "no real sex" between him and the 17-year-old victims. If not, he would have been imprisoned for "a much, much, much longer duration".
  • He said the media outlets were misleading "in a sense".
  • He said the media's headlines claimed he had sex with the victims when there was no sex involved.
  • "There was no sex. It was the attempt; it was the communication of that I am charged for".
  • The two women off-screen asked if the media outlets did it for the "views or clicks".
  • "Whether it's to sensationalise something, that's their job, it's not my problem," Dee Kosh said.
  • Dee Kosh also got an electronic tag on his left leg after getting charged until he went to prison.

"Let's talk about where I f**ked up"

  • Dee Kosh admitted his mistakes, acknowledged what he did was wrong and that "it will never happen again".
  • He explained that there is a group of people who are looking to be a "sugar baby" or a "sugar daddy", and he should have stayed in "that pool of fish".
  • However, he took his intention of being a "sugar daddy" to "other pools to find the same fish" and "fish that were not looking to be caught".
  • Essentially, they were not looking to be a "sugar baby", but Dee Kosh still offered the service to them, which was wrong of him.
  • Regarding the 15-year-old victim, he reflected that he should have just "cut it off", but at the time, he was trying to be cordial with the teen when he shouldn't have.
  • "I thought that if I was friends with him, then maybe he would not go around telling people."
  • He also stressed that he was not going out of his way to look for 17-year-olds. He was not specifically looking for a certain age or waiting outside secondary schools looking for 17-year-olds.
  • He saw these boys on Instagram that he found good-looking that "they just happen to be 17".
  • "The fact is, [in] the eyes of the law, the proposition was made, and that was wrong."

Went for a psychiatric assessment, twice

  • His lawyers asked him to go for a psychiatric assessment.
  • He described it as a test to determine whether one was a paedophile.
  • He then read out the conclusion of the psychiatric assessment:

    • "He does not fulfill clinical diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder. Darryl did not exhibit any paedophilic disorder and that his risk of re-offending was very low."

  • He opened up, stating he felt sick and angry, having to prove he was not a paedophile.
  • After he pleaded guilty, the prosecution requested Dee Kosh to go to the Institute of Mental Health for a second psychiatric assessment.
  • The second assessment reaffirmed that he has a low risk of reoffending and is remorseful as "he was employed and he does not have substance abuse, he does not have a psychiatric disorder".
  • The assessment also stated that Dee Kosh does not have a paedophilic disorder and is not a paedophile.

Lots of issues with the statement of facts

  • Dee Kosh said he had issues with the statement of facts because there were apparently many things in the statement of facts that he did not remember saying.
  • One example was that he allegedly asked for anal sex, which he claimed was not something he liked.
  • Another allegation he had issues with was of him driving to the victim's school to pick him up so that the pair could have sex.
  • However, he was "financially drained... [and] had no more will to fight anymore".
  • "Although I have a lot of issues with the statement of facts, I decided to bite the bullet and say, 'You know what if this is what he said is true, if this is what they say is true, if they say they have evidence, or they deem it to be true, then let it be true'."

The aftermath

  • "But once you go through something like I did, you know, when you lose everything, it scares you."
  • He recounted a time he was on a bus surrounded by a group of men who taunted him, asking him why he was not in jail yet and if he liked to f**k boys.
  • "It really scars you very deep when you go through things that I did. And it changes you... it leaves an everlasting stain in the way you perceive the world."
  • He also shared that when he went out recently, he automatically walked around the playground because he did not want to make anyone uncomfortable, clarifying that he was not attracted to children.
  • "It's a horrible, horrible, terrible thing to be labelled a paedophile without being able to say you're sorry."
  • "But I think after three years and going to jail, I feel like I've paid my penance to society."
  • At this time, he started to get a bit teary-eyed.
  • He apologised to the people he messaged, stating that it would not happen again and wished them the best in life.
  • He began to cry when he started to thank the people who stuck by him through the whole ordeal.
  • He expressed his pride and gratitude to his family.
  • "Said I wasn't gonna cry, now I'm crying. God, I'm a Gen Z now."
  • One of the women off-screen asked if he saw the "light at the end of the tunnel".
  • "I don't know where the end of the tunnel is, but I'd like to believe that there is one... hopefully I'll reach it."


Top photos via Rumble