Dancer for HK boyband Mirror may be paralysed after being crushed by giant display

He was admitted to the hospital in critical condition.

Mandy How| July 30, 2022, 12:52 PM

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Tragedy struck at Hong Kong boyband Mirror's concert on July 28, 2022, when a giant display fell on performers on stage.

A total of five people were injured, including two dancers and three women in the audience who were treated for shock, NextShark reported.

Mo Lee Kai-yin, 27, was standing directly beneath the display when it came crashing down, appearing to slam into the dancer's neck.

According to Hong Kong publication The Standard, Lee had sustained cerebral haemorrhage (bleeding in the brain), and a burst fracture at his fourth cervical vertebrae, and was admitted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in critical condition.

A burst fracture is a severe injury where the vertebral body is crushed in all directions. This is typically caused by severe trauma, such as a car accident or a fall from height.

The dancer was in overnight surgery on July 28 for a spinal cord injury, followed by another eight-hour surgery on July 29.

He may be paralysed neck down in the "worst-case scenario," The Standard added.

Metal cord snapped

Investigations by the authorities found that one of the two metal suspension wires holding up the display had snapped, NextShark revealed.

Further investigations are ongoing to pinpoint the exact cause of its failure.

Top image via Jacky Hau/Twitter