foodpanda’s deletion of all Instagram posts & posting of glitchy video a marketing stunt

The glitch was part of foodpanda’s launch of its first mascot.

Matthias Ang| Sponsored| January 18, 2022, 06:30 PM

At the end of December 2021, you might have noticed that foodpanda’s Instagram suddenly deleted all of its posts, with only one video that was subsequently shared on Dec. 27.

Screenshot via andathsea__ Instagram

Screenshot via foodpanda Instagram

The video consisted of a bizarre news broadcast talking about pizzas growing on trees before eventually glitching out.




Unsurprisingly, some thought that it was a sign of trouble.

Screenshot via foodpanda Instagram

Screenshot via foodpanda Instagram

Screenshot via foodpanda Instagram


Signs that it was a stunt

However, many of you would have probably also seen the telltale signs that the video and the removal of all of the company’s Instagram posts were a stunt.

These included the date of Jan. 3 that was given at the end of the video, as well as the fact that the glitches included the appearance of a pink panda similar to foodpanda’s logo.

Screenshot from foodpanda Instagram

Source: Screenshot from foodpanda Instagram

This would have gotten many thinking of another panda at this time – Lè Lè – the first panda cub born to Kai Kai and Jia Jia in River Wonders, who became available for public viewing on Dec. 30.


Launch of new mascot on Jan. 3

On Jan. 3, foodpanda announced the launch of its own panda mascot – Pau-Pau.




The mascot then made multiple appearances on various influencers’ Instagram posts, looking for food at various spots around Singapore.



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According to foodpanda, Pau-Pau is the platform’s celebration of its 10th anniversary as the pioneering food and grocery delivery platform in Asia.

Described by foodpanda as a “fun-loving and free-spirited” panda, the mascot is also a brand ambassador that will put emphasis on empowerment and sustainability across the region.

Image courtesy of foodpanda

Image courtesy of foodpanda

This includes being part of the platform’s green agenda and supporting sustainability initiatives, such as foodpanda’s default cutlery opt-out feature, which has saved over 20 million pieces of single-use plastic in 2021 alone.

As such, customers can expect to see Pau-Pau being rolled out progressively, across all foodpanda channels and interfaces, such as in the form of emojis, stickers and filters for Instagram and Telegram.


Top collage left image via andathesea_Instagram, right image via karhingc Instagram