You can now check hotspots frequented by Covid-19 cases on MOH's website

Take note.

Zhangxin Zheng| October 01, 2021, 01:13 PM

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For those who wish to head out of home, here's a nifty map published by the Ministry of Health that you can use while making plans.

On the website where MOH consolidates its Covid-19's situation report for public viewing, you can now find a new tab called "Geospatial data".

Click onto that and it will lead to you this page:

Screenshot of MOH's website.

The website will show you a map that displays places frequented by detected Covid-19 cases in the past three days.

Residential data is not included.

Areas which are visited by higher number of Covid-19 cases will have a darker shade of red.

Here are two examples for comparison:

Screenshot of MOH's website.

Screenshot of MOH's website.

When MOH announced this feature last month, the ministry added that individuals who visit the same hotspots in the same time frame are encouraged to monitor their health and perform regular Antigen Rapid Tests throughout the 10 days following their potential exposure.

They should also minimise any unnecessary interaction with others.

The ministry will continue using SafeEntry and TraceTogether data to inform individuals of recent confirmed close contacts to infected persons or recent exposure to an area of increased spread through Health Risk Alerts and Health Risk Warnings.

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Top image via MOH's website