Shirtless man runs across moving traffic at Grange Road despite green light not in his favour

Not very safe.

Ashley Tan| May 04, 2021, 10:42 AM

A man was recently spotted confidently running across a junction at Paterson Hill and Grange Rd, sparking anger online.

Green light

The act was filmed from a motorist's dashcam.

Just as the light turns green and the cars start to trundle forward, a shirtless man runs across the pedestrian crossing, without taking heed of oncoming traffic.

Despite a number of cars blocking his path, he weaves through them without slowing his pace.

Some of the vehicles were required to brake hard as a result.

Majority of the commenters criticised the runner for posing a danger to other motorists, stating that he could have easily caused an accident.

Others pointed out that the runner was jaywalking, which is against the law.


The video, which was posted to Facebook page, had the caption:

"Sovereign running, please give way."

The term "sovereign" is a callback to a previous altercation in Singapore, where a woman who refused to wear a mask during the circuit breaker proceeded to rant that she is a "sovereign citizen".

According to Forbes, an individual who claims to be a sovereign citizen is someone who believes that they are above all laws.

By claiming she is a sovereign, the woman in that incident may have been announcing her belief that she is not held accountable by the laws in this country.

That could be why she refused to wear a face mask even though Singapore's law requires individuals to wear one when they're outside the home.

The term "sovereign" has been used online, typically to describe those flouting the laws with a devil-may-care attitude.

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