Programme supporting Muslim couples in S'pore marks 5th anniversary, participation of 30,000 couples

The initiative focuses on supporting couples in their first two years of marriage.

Seri Mazliana | August 31, 2024, 11:59 AM



An initiative providing support for Muslim couples in Singapore has crossed its fifth anniversary.

Minister for Social and Family Development and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkifli said on Aug. 30 that close to 30,000 Muslim couples have benefited from the Bersamamu initiative since its launch in July 2019.

Speaking at the Registry of Muslim Marriages' (ROMM) Bersamamu anniversary event held at Resorts World Sentosa, he highlighted a refreshed training framework under the programme which incorporates new modules for practitioners to better engage couples.

The event was attended by more than 200 people, and recognised the contributions of Bersamamu partners including mosques, asatizah, and solemnisers.

30,000 couples have benefited, Ustaz Pasuni a catalyst

Launched in July 2019, the Bersamamu programme is a flagship initiative by the ROMM in which solemnisers, also known as the "Kadi" (solemniser) or "Naib Kadi" (deputy solemniser), reach out to Muslim couples who are getting married or are newly married.

The programme aims to provide support to couples, especially in their first two years of marriage.

It started as a ground-up effort under the guidance of former ROMM registrar Ustaz Pasuni Maulan, 79.

"Ustaz Pasuni is the catalyst for the Bersamamu Programme and it was under his guidance that Bersamamu grew from a fledging initiative to a nation-wide programme," Masagos noted.

He noted that Ustaz Pasuni is a "well-respected community leader", who is "still going strong" after having served as a Muslim solemniser in Singapore for 50 years.

He also commended former Senior President of the Syariah Court Ustaz Sallim Jasman, also age 79, for his service to the Muslim community in Singapore.

Masagos Zulkifli with Bersamu pioneers and solemnisers, Ustaz Pasuni Maulan and Ustaz Sallim Jasman.

Masagos also commended the Singapore Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Association (Pergas) for creating an avenue for newly married women to speak to female asatizah on "sensitive issues", in the form of the Asatizah Solace Care channel.

Masagos added that the initiative has been "well-received by many in the community".

He thanked Pergas, mosques, and agency partners for their work in improving the programme to better support couples.

Refreshed training framework and expansion to more locations

In his speech, Masagos also highlighted that a new ROMM-led initiative, namely the Bersamamu @ Heartlands, has been introduced in 2024.

The initiative came after requests by couples to have more platforms for discussion at accessible locations.

It is carried out in collaboration with the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis), Council for the Development of the Singapore Malay/Muslim Community (Mendaki), and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF).

Mosques, such as Al Nur Mosque and Al Falah Mosque, organised forums where the topics of marriage and relationships were discussed, with asatizah and counsellors providing marriage guidance.

"These Bersamamu forums were successful, well-attended and received good viewership online. We look forward to more of such forums," Masagos said, adding that two more mosques will hold such forums in September 2024.

He also noted that training under the Bersamamu initiative has a refreshed framework, incorporating new modules to ensure its relevance and enable practitioners to be more equipped to engage couples.

He noted the importance of upskilling for solemnisers and other asatizah, and highlighted that some of them have gone through courses such as psychology and couple counselling.

"Let’s keep up this spirit of lifelong learning," Masagos said, adding:

"Building our people will ultimately translate to strengthening our organisations and this is how we can progress as a community."

Following the speech, ROMM also handed out appreciation awards to volunteers, solemnisers, and women asatizah, recognising their dedication to the programme.

Top photos via Canva & Masagos Zulkifli/Facebook