Lost cat gets stranded on NTU shelter, students applaud safe rescue

Happy ending.

Ilyda Chua| August 15, 2024, 04:30 PM

An overly-adventurous cat found itself in a bit of a pickle when it ended up stranded on a shelter at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Fortunately, it was later rescued.

A Mothership reader, who wanted to be known as Zam, shared a video detailing the episode.


Zam, who is a student at NTU, said the incident happened on Aug. 15 at around 12pm at the North Spine.

The cat had been whining and pacing around the platform, looking distressed, he said.

"Since there are many students walking around that area, possibly it was trying to get attention... and call for help," Zam explained.

A crowd of students eventually noticed the distressed feline, and rescuers were called.

It is not known who the rescuers were, although they were dressed in red-and-navy polo tees.


In the video, a man could be seen scaling a ladder and reaching out to the cat.

Initially cautious, the feline gradually began to approach.

Video courtesy of Zam

After some coaxing, the cat drew close enough that the man was able to grab it.

In response, students on the ground burst into cheers and applause.

Video courtesy of Zam

The rescuer then carefully climbed down the ladder while cradling the cat in one arm.

He was met with another round of applause once he safely reached the ground.

Video courtesy of Zam

Hope they're both safe and sound now.

Top image courtesy of Zam